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How dare you? : Greta Thunberg to world leaders at UN Climate Summit
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Guilt. The manipulator's tool. Along with fear, a favorite. With 'climate change' we have a powerful combination of the two. Delivering the message via an innocent young child makes for a neat package. She doesn't know that she's there because they want her there. She doesn't know that the louder she screams and jumps up and down the more they will applaud. She doesn't know that she's being used to deliver their message. It's so obvious even a child could work it out. One who's mind has somehow immunized itself against the constant, ubiquitous, worldwide propaganda of 'climate change' that follows children from the classroom to the television and everywhere in between. In other words very few.
She got one thing right "I shouldn't be here. I should have been back at school". Indeed, where she could, for example, study the Children's Crusades of the Thirteenth century and how their pious idealism resulted, for many, in death or slavery. Fortunately, back then even Philip II wasn't so cynical, corrupt and desperate as to rely on the children as a vehicle for espousing pious, guilt inducing nonsense. He advised them to go back home.
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Greta shows us that despite the computers, airplanes and 'smart' phones etc. the broader population has actually become less politically astute. People will always be liable to manipulation due to those aspects of our nature that make us human. You cannot, and I obviously wouldn't ever want to, remove those attributes we all share, such as the empathy required in giving children space to speak despite appreciating the naivete and ignorance. But I suggest we regularly audit how they might be affecting our adult thought processes.
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The ranting child hasn't yet learnt that the broader world doesn't really care about her at all. Her message is useful to the manipulators at the top who want to impart ideas that limit the growth and potential of ordinary people. That's how they get to stay on top. Persuading people to self-police so that their aspirations never develop to the point at which they may have the confidence and audacity to challenge the right of others to rule by decree rather than organize themselves through voluntary consent, in their own lives and out in open, free markets.
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People who claim the 'science is settled' are rarely aware of any scientists for whom the 'science' is far from settled. They are hardly ever mentioned in the mainstream media, of course. But can be found via YouTube if one's beliefs haven't been 'settled' by those of a 16 year old. Which scientist has proved the existence of "irreversible chain reactions beyond human control." caused by human contributions to climate change? Please don't quote the IPCC (well, you can if you must), an institution purpose built by the U.N. for the political manipulation of science.
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Like most adults we face the parent's dilemma. Give her enough rope to hang herself, and her generation, on, or try to find a way to make her face the 'real world'. It usually ends up being a combination of the two, but the latter is clearly more humane in the end. In the meantime, I suggest, any adult that actually falls for any of this childish nonsense start reviewing some of the alternatives to the avalanche of propaganda seeping from every mainstream media pore around the globe currently.
Prof. Tim Ball
Dr. Patrick Moore
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how this 'scientific consensus' really came about
Dr. Peter Ridd
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and the human capacity for solutions (few children were involved in the making of this solution):
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Talking about the weather has always been a useful social distraction when one has little else to say. Elevating such a banality to the level of impassioned debate says more about the lack of any real insight into how power relations are actually manifesting themselves today (e.g. never ending wars), than it does about any kind of new 'radicalism' among the youth. It's a sad reflection on the adults in our world that it's come to this. It's time to grow up, not down ...
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