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Trump impeachment: Why Pelosi made her move - and what happens next?
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I randomly Googled 'what you spend your time on is who you are' since I was fairly confident someone would have articulated something of which we are already aware.
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With that in mind please consider Caitlyn Johnstone
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Her boundless energy has produced many insightful and thought provoking articles.
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"The establishment narrative managers are not done trying to herd America’s political left back into the establishment fold. New attempts to manipulate the mind of the American progressive are being workshopped currently, and they will likely be more subtle and devious than Russiagate was. Here’s hoping progressives learn their lesson and grow from it enough to prevent the next manipulation from succeeding."
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All that energy can result in burnout
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and what is the lesson learnt?:
From her Twitter:
"I don't know how to care about impeachment. Lefties are like "Oh no, the Dems are impeaching instead of implementing the bold, progressive changes that would beat Trump in 2020!" But come on, that was never gonna happen. This at least gives them a mostly harmless toy to chew on."
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Chew on harmless toys?
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Why do that?
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If it's a harmless toy - ignore it and focus on the important stuff.
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What's important and to who? Please think again about the time management quote above. Impeachment is a very important issue for Trump and Pelosi. People with lifetimes deeply embedded in and committed to the State and Statism. Politics, the games of twisting, turning and manipulating so that you look good to the outside world and your opponent looks bad, is at the very heart of Statism. Winner take all. Commander in Chief etc.
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This works because if you happen to win the game there is a vast horde of mini-Statists all subscribing to the same belief system, ready to subvert their own consciences and judgement to the 'greater good'. They will follow. They might bleat. They might groan. But they will follow (or in the euphemistic language of the State 'respect the rule of Law and Democracy'). Whether it is a 'liberal democracy' or a totalitarian regime there is actually little difference in outcome when the issue is responding to the latest 'crisis' of the Day.
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Bloody Sunday
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It will be difficult not to care about impeachment as it is difficult to ignore all the machinations of the State in all its forms. The soap opera will be presented to us wherever we turn for information. There is a difference between awareness and participation. It is no revelation that Statists will squabble and fight for the reins of power and some may represent more dangerous symptoms than others. But that's all they ever are. Reflections of ourselves. If you don't like what you see in the mirror I suggest you spend less time focusing on the reflections and more on yourself and how your own life corresponds to your own values.
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That way we can prepare for Statism, in all it's forms, when it inevitably comes knocking, uninvited, on the door.
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Waco, Texas
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Confronting the State on it's own, violent, terms, is dangerous. Better to develop more enlightened ideas, like consent over coercion. Understanding the problem is the first step. I suggest you are unlikely to see the problem for what it is if your head is buried in the political maneuvers of the Washington elite. Which is why we're so often encouraged to do precisely that.
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There are better things to think about and do - let's do those.
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