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Boris Johnson has been forced into a corner and cannot easily revert to a no-deal Brexit stance
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Brexit, like all political issues, is about power. Yours vs theirs. Who are they? The State. The people who force you (at gunpoint if necessary) to 'follow' them. Who are 'you'? That may seem like a facetious question but anyone who is stripped of all their power (a slave) can be degraded to the point that they do not know who they are or what they believe in (Frederick Douglas). The State gaslights you into self-doubt and confusion so that you can more easily be manipulated into giving away more real power. Brexit is an attempt to mitigate the gas-lighting, but, as is often the case, longer term solutions often require greater short term pain.
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The British Parliament is an institution of Statism. It's members all swear allegiance to the Head of State, the Queen. Devolving power is anathema to their instincts. It reduces their options for deal making, compromise (at the expense of their 'constituents'), maneuvering, politicking and power accumulation in general. To tell big lies, you need a big platform.
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Colin Powell - UN
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When everyone agrees that violently forcing ideas onto others is a good thing, getting to be the one who everyone agrees is 'in charge' is important. Simply being 'in charge' of oneself and one's voluntary interactions with others won't cut it. It's all about forcing others to do what they 'know' is best. The more 'others' there are to force, the better. An 'institution' is required to facilitate the process. This one was adequate for a while
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But to wield power over a truly large number of people something truly ambitious in scope is required
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The impulse of the State is towards the expansion of it's power at the expense of yours. This is how the EU came into being. People have noticed. They want to reverse the trend. An 'elite' statist politician has emerged who appears to be their 'champion'. He appears to be exercising the 'will of the People', but he is compromising with the EU and about to extend the 'deadline' yet again. His 'hands are tied', he's 'forced into a corner', he 'cannot easily revert' etc.
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If he, the most powerful individual 'champion of the People' is powerless, how powerful are you, really?
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They will pour over all the details, use the old, worn out expressions like 'responsibility', 'considering the economy', 'understanding the delicate Irish political situation' (originally caused, as well, by the State's attempts to resist separation). Lies, excuses and the blustering of politicians to create a smoke and mirrors theater that undermines any meaningful separation from the European super state.
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I suggest not working for the State in any capacity. Only with other, real, people. Organize trade and security via negotiated contracts, both within your traditionally recognized geographical area (referred to as your country) and elsewhere (anywhere in the World). The State will never represent you, unless you believe in violently forcing your ideas onto others. In which case, you will be right at home in Europe, but not in the Agora.
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