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The World Is Uniting For International Law, Against US Empire
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The Statist answer to every problem is more Statism. Completely unable to perceive the underlying problem of the State - it's ultimate reliance on violent aggression. Of course the United States is a giant, bloated, bullying, out of control monstrosity; but then so is every other State on the planet. They're just not as good at it ... yet. Observe the contempt that any State holds for weaker opposition in their own given 'spheres of influence'. If any individual were to deny the 'Right' of the State to plunder their resources at gunpoint (taxation), the true relationship will immediately become apparent. They all believe in violent aggression and the imposition of what they 'know best' for the 'greater good'.
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It looks good, it sounds good
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but, someone has to pay for it
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You don't solve a problem by using the same thinking that got you there in the first place. What is the solution that all these politicians (gangsters with a strong track record) propose to containing one of their own, who just happens to have been better at it than them, and for some time now? Gang up on the U.S. and violently force it to join a new, bigger, better, improved, international association of organized violence and internal suppression, of course. Give the 'solution' a nice fuzzy, warm sounding name like 'multilateralism' and you have a new banner to 'unite' under in which forcing your self-righteous 'solutions' down the throats of ordinary people can be done on a scale hitherto un-imagined and with a breath taking ferocity that only deeply indoctrinated Statists are able to stomach
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(Nanjing Massacre one of a large number of possible examples)
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Perhaps we will have (yet) another sample in Hong Kong over the coming weeks?
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The clever part about a problem-reaction-solution dialectic is that you get well intentioned do gooders to do all the heavy lifting for you. Which brings us to the title article. When representatives from regimes like Russia and Iran are making pronouncements on behalf of the 'people' you know there's something up. Just imagine how much your opinion will count in the world that you live in when all these Statists have managed to rid themselves of the last vestiges of individual freedoms supposedly enshrined in the U.S. Constitution.
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Get ready, for example, to have every aspect of your life tightly controlled for the 'sin' of being human, or, more topically, possessing a 'carbon footprint'
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Same old wolves, new sheep's clothing
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Pope denounces climate change deniers
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Independent, free thinking individuals, 'bad'. Giant, self-righteous, 'moral' bureaucracies 'good'.
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Mr. Zeese is right about one thing 'We need to prepare for a new era as the 2020’s offer potential for significant social and political transformation'. But might I suggest that we let the people who actually live in the real world determine what shape that transformation takes through unfettered free trade, no artificial borders, free from the delusions and distortions of voting (when that means violent coercion) and, of course, taxation which feeds the whole facade. I suggest it now, before everyone becomes labelled a 'terrorist' and we all fall victim to the globalist monstrosity we helped to build.
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