reptilian race

in #reptilian7 years ago (edited)




Vladimir G. Azhazha (November 7, 1927, Moscow) — Soviet and Russian UFO researcher, specialty— submariner, engineer, acoustic. Born: 7 Nov 1927 (90 years old), Moscow.
One of the races of aliens described in UFO literature, are the reptilians who are the masters of the race of "gray" biorobots. This race is trying not to advertise their presence on Earth, but according to the description of the UFO, its representatives are sometimes present among the crews of UFOs. For example, what about this race of aliens wrote a famous Russian UFO researcher, candidate of technical Sciences Vladimir Azhazha, in his book "Caution: flying saucers!":
"In recent years there have been many reports of non-humanoid aliens types - the reptilians. The appearance of these creatures in the United States, South America and Europe are identical. This type of alien dominated among other species. Reptilians occur relatively rarely and usually in the midst of Greys, kept aloof, watching the actions of other members of team UFO.
Reptilians - bipedal creature, is characterized by high growth (about 2 meters) and well muscled. The bow of the dome of the head extended forward and ends with a mouth with teeth having the form of a straight line. Rounded large eyes with the iris, yellow in color and have vertical pupils. Lower back ends thick like the tail support element, complementing the strong legs and large feet similar to flippers. The overall appearance of reptilians reminiscent of reptile or a huge lizard. Gray-green skin covered with small scales, like snake skin. In some cases, the reptilians were wearing something like jumpsuits without sleeves, on the shoulder, which was an emblem of a winged serpent.
At a briefing in March 1990, B. Hamilton, commenting on the summary of the Institute of applied Sciences. Bettel, USA, noted that they have thousands of reports of clashes of people with the reptilians. Most often these clashes occur in the valley of the Ohio river, near Louisville, near the deep underground tunnels of the southwestern region Albuquerque, up to the caves in Nevada and the Black Mountains near Las Vegas. Reptilians are different remarkable physical strength and hypnotic effects in humans. They are endowed with sexual psychology similar to ours. Sexual manipulation which these beings spend on people, probably due to their own motives, dictated by a distant genetic proximity to us...
According to research by Russell from the National Museum of natural Sciences in Ottawa (Canada), ancient bipedal dinosaurs, such as Stenonychosaurus and Eguallus, who had a three-toed paw and a fairly large brain could undergo environmental adaptation, survive and become beings endowed with intelligence.
Perhaps the genetic basis of these creatures were created by trial and error, the population of the creatures left in the side of a dead-end branch of Neanderthals by purchasing appearance and intellectual capacity of man. Not possible that a race of reptilians created their own parallel civilization and sometimes reminds us about yourself in cases with UFOs.
In the ancient Indian sources described the earth's semi-divine race of Nagas (Reptilians), endowed with extremely high intelligence and psychic powers. It is possible that between the ancient Nagas and modern reptiles there is a direct link. Who wouldn't preside in the types of aliens are more important for us to know that all types, from paradoxical committed to by sample psycho-physiological contact with the person, create conditions for the conflicting estimates of their presence.
They use our own patterns of thinking and attitudes. This allows them to lead us into dangerous delusion and, most importantly, to mask their activities on the Ground. Are there reptilians at the very top level of the hierarchy of creatures created or involved in the UFO phenomenon? This question remains open."
As you can see, this race carefully disguises his true work on Earth and, whenever possible, lead people into confusion about his real plan. But what exactly are they hiding from us? Analysis of the different myths and legends of the peoples of the Earth suggests that the reptilians have been living on our planet in the days of ancient times were involved in the "war of the gods". After the war, they hid in underground caves and tunnels, as well as in the underground cities they have created in the earth's crust.
There is a version that they are imperceptible to humanity direct its development, pushing the path of the technocracy, leading to self-destruction. And the management of humanity the world, "Control of the world, the elite of the world" consists entirely of hybrid beings created by the reptilians during the genetic experiments. It is with these hybrid reptilians and humans are in direct contact, forcing them to implement a plan to establish a "new world order", which will lead to the complete destruction of mankind.
By the way, again, of these same forces and not allow the governments of the Earth to tell ordinary people the truth about the presence of aliens on our planet and other bodies in the Solar system, and as soon as somewhere there is a "leakage" of information, the ubiquitous non-humanoid servants of the mind is then carefully start the information processing of the population according to its discredit.


Ayyyy lmao

Lol but seriously this was an interesting read! Thank you

reptillian shape shifters are very real, as are ufo's. we will have discs pretty soon as well. interesting story, find the lazerta interview on youtube, david ickes interview with a mother goddes, and dan flynns channel for many many proofs. i know it sounds weird ive had to go through the same before i woke up to it. but there is evidence everywhere, they were here on earth before we were created. we came last.