I dream about higher reputation...
However it is not so hard to accomplish, not that hard as people say.
All you gotta do is stick to these rules:
- Dont write anything at all, if you dont have a good idea.
- Make posts that are explaining something,telling some story or posts that are helpful to community.
- Be kind, give rewards (by upvoting) to the people that deserve it: they have made good, constructive post with some effort- so they deserve anything for a good job, am i right?
Of course i may be wrong, lol there are so many people getting upvotes literally for nothing.
Im not jelous, im just talking about thousands of $ earned on photoshopped "verification" , i think this is the biggest problem of steemit.
Shit. I dream on 7 reputation!! Lucky SOB lol.... Kidding, much love and well earned I am sure