Best Ways To Gain More Reputation Score

in #reputation7 years ago


I - Who Am I ?

I'm @zubayer , I don't care to call myself a fussbudget, however I generally end up considering and preparing before doing anything critical, this enables me to exploit every single accessible open door.

Steem is such a major open door, to the point that nobody needs to miss, uniquely me. I need to utilize the Steem organize in the most ideal way, that is the reason I'm composing these rules to enhance my Steem encounter.


II - Reputation is Everthing

For me this is the most critical number that I need to increment, not my record adjust, in any event for the time being. Records with high reputation are seen to have superb substance, so a few clients don't read articles posted by low notoriety accounts, then again, some up-vote posts from high notoriety accounts without perusing the substance.

So by having a high notoriety account, you are expanding the possibility of your posts being seen all the more rapidly and more plausible to get up-voted.

III - How To Increase Your Reputation?

There is no simple route around this, you need to work truly difficult to accomplish your notoriety objective. The notoriety score relies upon the up-votes you get in both your posts and remarks, so these are the two zones where you need to contribute time and mind energy to build your notoriety score.

This is my arrangement, not a flawless one, but rather the arrangement I think will work for me.

[1] - Only post high quality content.

Building a high notoriety resembles building trust with your perusers, you don't get it for nothing, you've to acquire it. So by just posting articles that are amazing you will manufacture a trust amongst you and your up-voters who will up-vote your next article as well.

[2] - Aim to post 1-2 posts everyday.

quality is more vital than amount, so putting time in one post is superior to squandering hours in a considerable measure of posts.


[3] - Post comments more frequently.

You should go for remarks that include esteem, generally, there is no compelling reason to post them. Remarks are really an undervalued method for expanding your notoriety. By making remarks on prominent posts, you are expanding your shot of individuals tailing you in the event that they see an incentive in your remarks.


[4] - Reply to users commenting on your posts.

This will create a connection between you and your readers, which will increase the chance of them following you.

[5] -Be consistent and persistent about applying the above rules.

In the event that your posts are predictable, individuals will search for your presents regular on read and up-vote them.

[6] - Take your time when it comes to choosing the right title.

Stay away from all sort of deceiving and snap snare titles, perusers can hail your posts and they will do as such in the event that you don't regard them. Getting hailed will demolish your notoriety, and it will be harder for you to recuperate from it.


[7] - Aim to post my articles at the best time possible for higher visibility.

Quality substance is critical, however in the event that your post them when nobody is surfing the site, at that point your post won't get the consideration it merit. Additionally on the off chance that you are as yet a little player, stay away from crest time to decrease your opposition with different posts.

[8] - Take care of your post layout.

I see many people post extraordinary articles with incredible thoughts, yet they bomb wretchedly with regards to their post design. Your posts ought to be perfect and expert, come back to another line and make another section when it's required.

[9] - Treat your followers well.

You should regard your adherents shrewd and save them from any awful posts.


[10] -Learn from other successful users.

You should exploit Steemit straightforwardness with regards to clients movement and endeavor to discover the purpose for their prosperity.


But you only have 13 reputation. Why should we listen to you?

I lost it because at the 1st time I didn't had any idea about Reputation score (what that thing is?). After losing that I research it & find out how to increase it.

Mate, with a reputation of 13, you are in no position to give anyone advice about how to get a high reputation.

I lost my Reputation Score. That's why I don't want anyone lose their reputation score like me.