The problem is ,we don't adress the inenr government. And as long as we don't do that, the outer government will always manifest.
The inner government is that wich controls you ,deceives you ,inside. It is the mind ,or rather the believer. Why ? Because we are all one and thus in truth the seperated being you believe you are is not real ,it's an illusion.
But how can you stop believing you are sperate ? Just believe you aren't ? just make believe we are all one and kumbaya and shit ? Well you can't really make yourself believe something you don't believe so no ,don't try to make yourself believe anything. Don't start believing we are all one. all you can do is meditate on silence ,inner silence, and thus in doing so dropping ALL BELIEF. In this act you will experience the oneness of it all. This oneness cvannot and should not be believed. Because when there is ANY belief there has to be the one whom beliefs and thus there is automaticly a seperation and a belief in a seperated one. if you believe you are one ,then there is a sperated you who beliefs there is no seperation ,obviously contradicting itself.
All that can be done to see truth ,to see trough the lies of your inner government (the mind ,the believer) is meditation. Pure meditation on silence.