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RE: A World of High Strangeness

in #research2 years ago

Another Stew Peters documentary. In the trailer it says: "Conspiracy no more". I would think it's a conspiracy. It's just not a theory anymore. So I wonder, people who mix up these words, are they all controlled opposition? I know Stew Peters is controlled opposition. Sure, we get a lot of good information from him, but he will never tell the whole truth. And they seem to find it rather important to maintain people's belief in viruses. None of them would ever question the germ theory. If you ask them they say it would be a step too far for the 'normies' to accept (Del Bigtree), or they just look stupid and pretend they don't know what you're taking about (David Martin).


You're 100% accurate on your definition analysis. "Theory no more" - this would be the accurate conclusion to draw and verbiage to use. People are brainwashed into redefining what words and phrases mean from propaganda being beaten into our heads for decades. I don't think everyone is controlled opposition or "in on it" so to speak.

A more accurate basic definition is:
Conspiracy theory - a suspicion and idea surrounding two or more people planning something in secret to benefit themselves - generally to increase their wealth, power or control.

We have all been brainwashed to associate the term "conspiracy theory" with meaning a fictional or outlandish narrative. People conspire all the time (you can be legally charged for conspiring sinister events) - just because there is a theory about someone conspiring events doesn't make it fiction. Facts and evidence lead us to know whether the theory of the conspiracy is valid or not. This "conspiracy theory" term has been drilled into heads of people since the Warren Commission (JFK assassination) and used by the CIA controlled media to effectively discredit and shame anyone who exposes their lies - still effective more than a half century later. They don't need to provide any facts - they just label their opposition a "conspiracy theorist" and the sheep go "see I knew it was bs!" and they never even think to look deeper. It's a literal psyop most of humanity has fallen for.