SRTC at a glance

in #research6 years ago

• Who We are
• Our Vision
• Our objective
• Range of services We offer
• Our Research & Consultancy services capability
Who We are
Statistical Research & Training
Centre (in short, STRC) is a
consultancy and research firm
providing clients from the Public,
Private and Civil Society sectors
expert knowledge, skills and tools
to improve their effectiveness to
promote economic and social
development. The firm is
registered as required under the
Laws of Kenya and is based in
Nairobi, Kenya.
Our aim is to contribute to
economic and social development
via the provision of research and
training services and solutions
targeted at improving the
relevance, efficiency and
effectiveness of organisational
In addition, SRTC aim to develop
partnerships and deliver services
that facilitate the achievement of
our clients’ strategies and
objectives in the quest for
sustainable development within
the spheres of economic growth.
We partner with organizations at
all levels to assist them in
identifying, planning, managing
and monitoring the most
appropriate and effective use of
their resources in order to achieve
goals that will satisfy their needs
and that are aligned with the
needs of the clients that they
SRTC team and associates have
extensive experience in the
coordination of all administrative,
logistical and finance support for
large scale consultancy and
research projects within the
country and regionally.

Our Vision
Assist our clients find sustainable and people-driven evidence-based
solutions to problems of economic development and improvement of
human livelihoods in key sectors such as agricultural and natural
resource sector.
We particularly put emphasis on key areas that pose the greatest
challenge to sustainable economic growth and development, namely
agriculture, education; health, institutional capacity building;
infrastructure development; science, technology and innovation; sound
environmental policies and good governance.
Based on our expertise and wealth of experience, we are eager to
provide technical assistance and contribute intellectual resources and
offer our experience through collaboration in training and consultancy
assignments to their successful implementation.
SRTC is also firmly embedded in a broader global context and actively
pursues collaboration with reputed international scholars and firms to
contribute to the global knowledge base on strategies to combat
poverty and therefore enhance development.

Our Objectives
To provide advisory, consultancy,
technical, administrative and support
services to higher learning institutions,
development organizations, industries,
firms, businesses, individuals and others
engaged in or connected with the
training and development programmes
for effective socio-economic growth, by:
i. Facilitating organizational learning and
training action research, development
and community outreach through
training and capacity building, instituting
approaches for data collection, data
analysis and reporting
ii. Identifying and promoting sustainable
and appropriate technologies
iii. Identifying implementation agents for
innovative development, commercially
viable and profit making initiatives.
iv. Collecting, collating, organizing, use and
disseminate or make available data and
other information in various formats to
our clients
To provide specialized technical
support services in training,
management and development
Design, installation and
operationalization of performance,
monitoring and evaluation
To provide specialized services in
project identification, appraisal and
i. Preparation and development of
project plans for funding agencies
ii. Economic and financial appraisals
of public and private sector
iii. Project planning, implementation
and reporting services
iv. Project reviews monitoring and

Range of services We offer
A mix of wealth of experience and a broad spectrum of
qualifications offered by SRTC Team and Associates, enables us to
provide a range of training, research and consultancy services in
the following areas:
Organizational / Institutional /Individual capacity building
Research and Impact Assessment
data collection, analysis and reporting
Policy analysis and appraisal
Project Monitoring and Evaluations
Market research and analysis
Our assistance aims to strengthen institutions and individuals and
to leave behind in each case an enhanced capacity that is directed
towards enhanced productivity, improved performance and quality
of life.

Quantitative research
• Baseline/Follow-on /End-Term Surveys
• Customer satisfaction surveys
• Market research
• Academic and social research
Qualitative research
• Focus Group Discussions (FGDs)
• In-depth interviews (IDIs) with key informants
• Project Monitoring and Evaluation
• Training & capacity building
• Business plan development
Research services capabilities

Data collection services
• Digital & Mobile based data collection – ODK, Survey
ToGo, EpiCollect etc
• Paper based data collection services
Data Management , Analysis and Reporting
• Data entry, quality control and data base management.
• Advanced Analysis using a range of analytical techniques
e.g R, SPSS, STATA, Nvivo, EPI-Info, MS-Excel, MS-Access
and N-Logit in the analysis and interpretation of research
Short-term training on analytical techniques
• Research design & Methodology, Database design and
• Data Analysis using R, SPSS, Stata, Nvivo, Epi-Info, CsPro etc
• ICT for M&E using ODK, CsPro etc
Other support services offered
Recent consultancy services
Our Team and associate consultants have wide
range of sectoral, technical and functional skills
and experiences and have proven track records
in supporting public, civil society, private and
international donor clients in developing,
implementing and evaluating development
interventions throughout Kenya, Tanzania,
Uganda and Somalia.
The SRTC Team has worked on integrated
development programs covering livestock,
agriculture, water, health and sanitation,
education, and conservation with a number of
development partners.
The SRTC Team’s years of existence are a
catalogue of success stories in the
implementation of projects for and with
its local and foreign partners in a range
of fields:
Data Quality Assessment and

Households Baseline Survey
Rapid Impact Assessment;
Project Evaluation;
Cross cutting issues namely;
Gender mainstreaming;
Governance & accountability.
STRC Team and Associates have
previously worked with different donors
and their implementing partners both
private and governmental in a number
of donor funded programmes. These
include USAID, FAO, WFP, among others.

Client Country Project Year
ADESO Somalia Somalia Data Analysis and Visualization Training for
MEAL Team and Selected ADESO Somalia
Project Staffs
National Council
of Churches of
Kenya (NCCK).
Baringo, Elgeyo
Marakwet & West
Pokot Coounties,
Context and Political-Economy Analysis for
community resilience in Kerio River Ecosystem
project in Elgeyo-Marakwet, West Pokot and
Baringo Counties, Kenya
Kenya (AAIK)
West Pokot and
Mombasa Counties
End-Line Study of Women’s Rights Program
(WRP) implemented in Kongelai, Marafa,
Elangata Waus and Kishushe Local Rights
Programmes (LRPs).
United Nations
World Food
Programme and
Isiolo, TharakaNithi,
Kwale and Turkana
Counties in Kenya
Technical Evaluation of Drought Mitigation
Related Technologies Under Cash/Food for
Assets Programme implemented in the Arid
and Semi-Arid Lands of Kenya by World Food
Programme in partnership with FAO
Client Country Project Year
Land O’ Lakes
Kenya (6 counties
within the SemiArid
Area Zone 2;
Makueni, Kitui,
Meru, Tharaka
Nithi and Taita
Kenya Semi-Arid Livestock Enhancement Support
(K-SALES) Programme Baseline survey. This is a
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) 3
year funded project that aims to improve the
competitiveness of the cattle, sheep and goats
meat value chains by increasing productivity and
boost marketing and trade of live animals and
meat (cattle and shoat), hides and skins and other
associated livestock by-products.
SOS Somalia Mogadishu and
Baidoa (Somalia)
Emergency Assistance and Basic Services for
Drought and Conflict-Affected IDPs and Host
Populations Baseline Survey.
The project involved a household survey and
indicator development for monitoring and
evaluation with a phase out strategy.
Our Contacts
E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected]
© 2017