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RE: Entrevista Max Igan Completo - July 2022

in #research3 years ago

The way I look at government (even though I don't support government at all) is that the government is hired by the nightclub workers, who own the club, to be the bouncer. To protect the club door from ne'er do wells and occasionally tos someon e at the behest of the club workers. In the USA, the bouncer tells the workers what to wear, which liquor to buy, which dj to hire, the plumbing, the lighting, the janitorial services and even whom shall be hired and fired, all the while as that same bouncer takes on work at other clubs and leaves the doors unguarded. It's crazy. The first time any government official uttered the words "classified"or "secret", they should have been hauled to the gallows. The government, as it is, is owned by the people, rather than the other way around as it is today.