Doug Casey's Take [ep.#227] 8 Parasitic Trends Shaping 2023

in #research2 years ago

Doug Casey's Take [ep.#227] 8 Parasitic Trends Shaping 2023

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The extraordinary effort to "get everyone vaxxed" is simple to understand - the object is to eliminate the control group. There are already too many alternative outlets describing differences in outcomes for vaxxed v unvaxxed and there are possibly many more instances to come where the vaxxed fare more poorly than those who are unvaxxed. Can't have that.

The reason for "alarm" (from the parasites) was mentioned in the following point - the war on phantom menaces. The "wars on drugs/terror/"climate change" are essential to the parasite class because there's no measurement of success or failure. Money can be laundered indefinitely and infinitely to wars which can literally never end. The unvaxxed pose a measurement threat. As long as the "war on germs" is to last, there must be no way to measure whether it is necessary. Hence the 100% goal. - eiminate the measuring stick.

Great Perspective

Thank you for investing your time into humanity. You both have such great clarity and common sense. I am most bewildered that so few have connected the dots. The masks do spare us much useless conversations. A tidal wave to wash away the corruption, where have I heard this story…?

nice info again Doug

You nailed it Doug