in #resolution7 years ago (edited)



Now, this isn’t a New Year new me bullcrap, it’s also not a resolution, this is a specific plan of what is it that you want and how will you get there. Not many people like to detail or think about what they want, cause it makes many people anxious or stressed out because it seems so overwhelming. The law of attraction works like this; what you think about and what you work on daily will attract it like a magnet. “Show me your rituals and I’ll show you where you will be in future”

A disclaimer, with days going by and the surroundings changing all the time, I might change the plan according to the situation. That involves the things I learn on the way or encounter with the life situations.

First, ask yourself what is it that you want in the main areas of your life. Your main focus should be on very specific subjects of your life. So ask yourself detailed questions what exactly you want to change or improve in each aspect of your life. When You acquired what is it that you want, you can start brainstorming how to fulfill them.








Adjust to your own beliefs to your mindset, it doesn’t have to be identical to mine.

Before you begin, sit down or lay down in a quiet place, no distractions no noises in the background or at least put headphones in and zone out of surroundings. For you to know what is it that you would really want has to be clear. One thing that helped me is to talk with someone who wants the same success as you do, with like-minded people you build a stronger foundation for your plan.
Wishful thinking will not get you anywhere.
If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go with a group.

Something I have observed in many people, they talk a lot what they will do, with no backing up. It’s really up to you to live up to your words (better to not even say anything and keep it until you succeed). Your parents, coaches or friends are not going to push you to your limits, the only one who is able to do it and with greater potential is coming only from you. That’s when it’s real and true. You will know it when you will feel it! Until then don’t wait for the right moment just do it (insert Nike logo :D).

Small talk with no intent just to chit-chat doesn’t give you any benefits. At most, it may be fun, but for me personally, it’s annoying and I’m looking for a way to end it sooner so I can be productive.
This was just something that will save you some time. Avoid people who have nothing to do or who don’t know their purpose, they will drag you down with them. From the book “Unwind” by Dr. Daniel Amen, one of the largest issues that humans encounter is stress and the largest stress comes from unknowing what to do, what is the purpose.
If you have a friend or relative who has encountered with this issue, help them, as a human one of your biggest rewards of happiness that you will receive is a satisfaction of helping someone in need. If the person pushes you away, then let him/ her go, his/her own path, you can't be a babysitter for their life all the time. Help them in any way you can even if it’s just a suggestion, spend time in helping as much as you can afford.

Let’s begin, I will not be telling everything about my PLAN, but I’ll give you some insight of what you should think about when going into New Year.

(I already asked myself what is that I want to change In every aspect, so here I’ll be giving some of the answers)

Health: (How I could improve my health) Every morning I start with Prayers and meditation. Morning, Drink 1# water with lemon or lime, then tea or coffee, rollout + yoga 40 min~60 min, that improves my flexibility, lessens the chances to get an injury, improves cognitive function, focus, blood flow and warms up the body and mind. There is a saying, the way you will start the day the way the rest of it is going to go.

If there is anything that hurts or bothers, do research about that specific area, do everything needed to treat the area. Massages, rollout, salt bath, treatment, cut off from workout to maximize the focus on healing that specific area of your body.
Ask professionals about your issue, share your issue with coach, doctor, parents, loved ones, friends. It doesn't matter if it's mental/ emotional or physical, if you keep these things in, it’s not allowing you to heal completely.

Sleep, to improve the sleep 1~2h before bedtime switch off electronics. At 6 pm start wearing blue light blocking glasses. Sleep 8-10h The best time that body recover is if you got to bed by 10 pm.

Nutrition, healthy balanced food, greens, loads of green leafy vegetables, healthy fatty foods in the morning, eggs, avocados, coconut oil, Antioxidant foods.
Face masks 2-3 times per week,
After workouts, 20-30 min after, have a nutritional supplement to fill the empty gaps in the muscles. 1-6h after workout rollout to alleviate muscle soreness.




Have a specific income you would like to see in your account after 6 months and for the end of the 2018 year.
The places you want to go, plan to go, visualize them, write them down. Material things that you would like to have, but remember have those things that you actually would use and have an actual benefit from them or the need for them.
Where is this income coming from, where do you see a potential to earn that wealth from? Have to be specific, what is it that you’re going to do to receive it.


Meeting the right people, who are genuine, straightforward, honest, kind/ good-hearted with aspirations.

If its romance the person should blow you away not only with the looks but also, with a matching personality, that’s the person you should have as your life partner. “Never settle” rather be happy with yourself than standing next to the person you want to get away from.

Avoid people who just want to use you, who are fake and just really good at pretending. Avoid dumb people, one of the topics they love to talk is about other people, gossiping, getting wasted, planning on next party, etc.

I don’t like to stereotype, but the easiest way to figure out who they really are: tell them a personal (but not too personal) story of yours and if their reaction is very short or avoiding the subject, it probably means they have no intentions to keep anything for a long-term or deep. You don’t need any more friends, you need more relationships, that will last a lifetime. People change, hopefully for the better, the closer you keep the relationship with your friends and family, the more likely you will have genuine conversations, the more likely they will have the best interests for you.

Call your relatives 3-6 times a month, call your long distance friends once a week. Be genuinely happy about your loved ones success, help them if you can, support them when they are in doubt and be there when they need you. Treat strangers with a respect that you would like to receive. “Treat Janitor the same way you would treat a CEO”. It shows your kind heart. Start paying attention how you act, how you represent yourself to strangers. Look for new experiences, fall in love with something you never experienced before. whether it’s a thing you haven't done before, a food you never ate before, a place you haven’t visited even if it’s in your own town, fully absorb the surroundings and experience the moment.

Most of all, love yourself, love the way you think, the way you talk, the way you look, even the way you breathe. This is the most important thing you have to start with before giving your love to others. You can’t fill someone's cup if your cup is empty.



Every day learn something new, Don’t go to bed unless I have learned something new.
Read/ Audiobooks 50 (different topics), when driving in the car, cooking, sipping coffee, listen to an audiobook. Get the book ready for you travel, don't start looking for the book when you’re already in the car/plane.
Use more quotes in sentences, phrases that would make a conversation more interesting. The movies you watch, the books you read, the quotes you read, write them down in notes.

Write 101 articles (reposts don’t count)
Learn 1001 Words in Japanese.
You can learn the words better if you already have them written down and use them in notes in an everyday situation, or just google the word and paste it in your notes, add a picture to recall it. Use sticky notes and place them on the things you use daily.

To be more productive, set a plan in the end of the week for the next week, one night before visualizing the next day, the way it will go what are the things that you need to do, prioritize and be very specific. Every Month prepare a review of what have you’ve done, call your friends or family and share your progress. Also, ask how is your friend doing with the resolutions.
Go to more seminars that are related to your specific interest. “Readers are Leaders, Leaders create more Leaders”, “The more you learn the more you earn”. Make new connection, have a mentor(s) whether they are in books you read or the people you meet.

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Specific numbers you want to reach/ results/ times/ distance/ heights/ weights or drills you want to master etc.
The meets you want to be a part of.
The connections you want to make with companies or people.


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Meet my old friends, that I haven’t seen for a while. Go surf, Make some dope videos with boards, tricks, athletics, parkour, gymnastics, yoga, create epic videos. Get sponsored by a brand you believe in the vision and you see yourself working with. Do more modeling/ acting gigs if you have the time/opportunity. Travel more to dope cities, areas and perhaps go to an island and dive in clear water for hours(get lost in sea/ ocean). Drink coconut water and look more in the sky during the day and in the night when the stars are the brightest (outside the city).

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You have to have at least 3 epic long videos about 5 min long each. Do challenging things that will limit your body and mind, things that will give you rush. Motivate other people, do something that others would enjoy and do random acts of kindness.


Be so determine what you want that there will be no distractions. There is no way out but to achieve it, to reach your stars, to reach your vision. Do those little things every day, your rituals will show your future, your daily habits will lead you forward to your success.
Start your day with prayers and meditation and end your day with being thankful, grateful and vision yourself where you see yourself in the future.
Visualize the world you want to live in and what are the things you will do to start creating it. The way you treat people, the way you do everyday things will show who you are.
Receive enlightenment.

What are three things you will focus on 2018?


motivation post and you can do it