The Pelacor Conjurer Series #1 - COGS, TURN, SLOWLY…

in #resources3 years ago (edited)

Cogs Turn Slowly.jpg

What I love about @splinterlands is the endless strategies on how to allocate resources over time.

Following last week's Townhall, everyone is focused on SPS and Vouchers, and no one seems to be interested in cards or packs anymore (perhaps not surprising based on the never ending price decline).

But the neglected parts of any market are where opportunities can be found.

Would love to hear your thoughts on whether buying all of the supply of a high circulation, super cheap card could work. What are the pitfalls and how could they be mitigated?

Find more ideas and conversations like this one by joining our Discord Community and by following @phoenix-bank and @ch1pb0y right here on PeakD.