Before you jump to the wrong conclusion, this is about me putting myself, or to be precise, my thoughts out there, on the internet, and not about me being available in the dating scene. Just to be clear about it.
How Did It Start?
I started blogging about 14 years ago, in a now-defunct social media platform, out of the necessity of filling my time to improve my fear of “exposing” myself to total strangers. Also back then, my fiancee was recovering from her cancer treatment, and there was a need to regain myself from the exhaustion of keeping cancer patients hopes high.
About a year after that, I decided to get more serious about blogging. This I get after meeting a few bloggers who published their blogs on their self-hosting blog complete with their domain name. I think that was cool. So with a little know-how from creating my e-commerce website, I created my self-host blog, from scratch. Little did I know at the time I started blogging, I was already on WordPress, so transferring my post from social media to the new one was fairly easy.
The Evolution
Since then, my blog has seen a few layouts changes, even domain name changes. If you are new to my blog, you will discover different watermarks on my photos. That's because I started from norifpaival.com, before changing it to bornegeek.com. You will notice that that there is a few posts gap in between, where this is usually due to “writer's block”. Then another change last year to northborneogeek.com because I delayed renewing my domain name, contemplating whether I should continue to blog. Most of my blogger friends have stopped blogging, so maybe I should too.
But then again, I have put up a lot of work in this to just let it go. So I decided to continue with it. Unfortunately, my old domain name was taken by a company from China and turned my domain name into a gambling site. I guess my domain name gained traffic over the years, otherwise, they wouldn't take it. Bugger!
So that’s why I'm settled with a new domain name. Honestly, I’ve been thinking of this domain name way longer than this, due to how I would like to present myself. But that will be on another post.
Will This Last?
I sincerely hope that this will last, I sincerely do. Reading up my older post reminds me of how much writing was fun back then, as I'm comparing it to my recent post. Even I despise my recent post. Here's to a fresh restart to putting myself out there.

Posted from my blog with Exxp : https://www.northborneogeek.com/2021/11/putting-myself-out-there/