I don't have problems with your price nor your services. I feel Resteeming is better than Upvoting Bots. Resteeming is for marketing, however no one reads and although you pick up votes, they sum almost nothing. I spent 15 Steem on 18 Resteemers, got 1236 upvotes and got back 3 steems. Hence my marketing cost was 12 for reaching 260,000 accounts with no new followers. I Something to think about.
I don't have problems with your price nor your services. I feel Resteeming is better than Upvoting Bots. Resteeming is for marketing, however no one reads and although you pick up votes, they sum almost nothing. I spent 15 Steem on 18 Resteemers, got 1236 upvotes and got back 3 steems. Hence my marketing cost was 12 for reaching 260,000 accounts with no new followers. I Something to think about.