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Life is like the ocean, it goes up and down. Vanessa Paradis
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upvote on his last post for winning the last giveaway👉 Last givеaway WINNER announcеd hеrе. Today`s winnеr is.. @oluwashinaayomi!
Apologies, single resteems are not available for the time being due to changes in Steemit wallet. This functionality will be added again in future. =]
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UPDATE: due to the changes in Steemit wallets the activation of new subscriptions may take a couple of days. Will improve this in future. =]3. DELEGATION:
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> CURRENT DELEGATORS: (29) gaottantacinque, gasaeightyfive, cribbio, eii, bonp, dynamicrypto, ericet, ruinyourday, kristall97, khan.dayyanz, rem-steem, michealclauri, mikitaly, olivia08, otom, ravisarikonda, whatsontrend, fixedbydoc, ruinedfuture232, happyphoenix, rok-sivante, chireerocks, sunit, dana-edwards, jason7282, mermaidvampire, playdice, incubot, atongis, hardaeborla, balticbadger, sunitPlease no #nsfw and no users on the
YOU WON a 5 Resteems Subscription! =](includes 5x $~0.02 upvotes)! =] @oluwashinaayomi
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@bapu, @mango-juice, @miyexi, @a123gl, @highlandwalker, @miye47, @marcocasario