Some more accounts to add ...
@khussan and @fuentesjo3006 ( Battle-Steem Winners )
@mango-juice and @donna-metcalfe ( Questions game winners )
I lost track of how many subscriptions I have left. I must be near / at or just over the last 10 I bought. I will be purchasing another ten in the upcoming days. Thanks for your service.
Done, thanks again @rentmoney =]
So you still have 3, correct? (I trusted you and never counted before 😅)
Sounds good to me. I was keeping track for us but had allot going on the past week and wanted to make sure I was all paid up. I will start keeping track again. Once I give out the current 3 ... I will purchase another 10.
NICE! I love your contests, and I especially love winning your contests! Thank you!