We have been informing the public of 22 veterans killing themselves a day. Now why are the solutions underground still? Fuck that share tha video. Share the solution. I served for you. All I ask is you do this one thing for me. For us.
The CURE for PTSD and TBI can be found here. http://www.patriotclinics.com
Another healthy solution (which 80% of everything earned under me goes to the Patriot Clinics ) nutrition I take to help my PTSD and other issues
And of course, blaze on!
Fuck Facebook get paid to post!
we rock on Steemit!
Thank you! By the way, you recently voted on one of my blog posts and I wanted to come and return the favour because I really appreciated it. Have a great day.
Anytime!! I use https://steemvoter.com to set auto upvotes to your post 4 me. I do that do good content creators. Saves time.
i like your post my friend
Great content @vandalizmrecordz
Upvoted and followed, interesting and important stuff.
Hubs is a PTSD Vet. Much 💕
Thank you
Show him the websites I give in the blog! Spread the word thank you for the support.