Everybody has their own idea and you can’t make everyone happy. I just worry about what you mentioned “is it a reflection of what I’m trying to express, is it serving its function to the best of its ability given the problems with layout”. It would be nice if they displayed resteemed seperately from personal posts on your page. I’m not uninterested in resteemed but sometimes I’m in s hurry and just want to see what someone is about. I use it as motivation to write more. I usually resteemed when I don’t have time to write and find time to write more than I resteem. I also only resteem users who need it or posts which really blow me away, since even with 1000 followers, sometimes only one or two are likely to click it.
And as for posting too much, some people will engage with you more if you post more, others will stop. I just ask the question, “would I want to read this?” And if the answer is yes, fuck it, I’ll post it.
Yup, what's that saying...about pleasing some people X percent of the time lol. I think posting when you want and can is the best way. Well in your case - you always have something worthwhile or entertaining to say! Like you said earlier, as long as the motivation isn't just rewards (though they can be a welcome byproduct !)
Even though I'm a bitty baby minnow - I do the same - resteeming especially if there are no comments and I see some new person put a ton of effort into a post and there's no likes because no one knows who they are.
But we have like .009 seconds to grab people's attention - seeing a feed full of resteems is definitely a turn off and I'm aware of that now. Even just in my general feed - someone I followed started resteeming a bunch of God and Bible stuff. I followed that person because I like their content (which wasn't religious) - but all the JC resteems gave me flashbacks to my FB days when my dad's friends/hometown people spammed walls with a shit ton of religious dribble - a lot of it not just sharing 'god's word' - but putting down other religions in the process (Islam cough). Maybe that's narrow of me, but hey, it's my prerogative and my feed lol. (again, nothing against Christians, I was raised one, I think JC and the bible have some great stuff to say - but no I'll not repent now or go to a hell I don't believe in :-P )
here to agree) soon two weeks as I'm on steemit) so I wanted to resteem interesting content, support an author, share some ideas with people who maybe wouldn't find it. but then when you see your page all lacerated... and you can't unresteem..if resteems just could show up on the same page but in different column, as your interests..can we sujest this idea for creators)
So many ideas for the creators ! Maybe eventually they will listen :-)