

did you try? is it rally fake

Looked at the bots transactions in the wallet section and at the resteems. Seems legit. Just to be sure, tried a transaction and it works seamlessly. No reason to believe it's fake.

Did not work for me and I sent extra to be safe!

Look at the transaction log in @resteembot wallet tab, apparently, you weren't following @resteembot. Might be good manners to refund, but seems to work exactly as specified, so no reason to complain and certainly no reason for calling it a scam AFAICS.

Worked this time around. I retract my statement. Thank you!

Tried again, lets see what happens

It works well to me, gave them try. Just follow them but do not invest to soon. I did the same follow them and monitor my post vote. If all my post receive a vote then thats the only time I invest if not. Then just unfollow them.

See the value in it.. When it has 100,000 followers those resteems will be very Powerful... More Power RESTEEMBOT..Not fake ! This will be BIG !! because as @resteembot grows more people will

If it has 100,000 followers, surely all you will see on it are the re-steems of all those 100,000 followers. So what's the point? Good posts will still get lost in all those posts

You will likely only use this service if you are a small fish... the number of followers will not represent the number of resteems...

If there are too many resteems in the future I might put a restriction of 1 resteem per user per 10 or even 24 hours.
I don't like the idea of too many resteems.
If that happens, the followers are just gonna leave, because of the non-stop spam. Such a system will have no future.
I am already thinking about it.

did you try? is it rally fake