Retail execs expect many more bankruptcies in 2018. The retail apocalypse is not over. Trump just issued an executive order stopping all foreign company takeovers. Hungary wants its gold back, central banks around the world have been repatriating their gold. The petrodollar coin has been born, are the central bankers trying to create a crypto version just like Venezuela. The BIS just announced one of the reasons the central banks are so worried about cryptocurrencies, this is why.
Crypto currency's are no safe haven for wealth. They have no intrinsic value just like the fiat dollar. Both are backed by nothing.Well the dollar is backed by the US millitary and citizen's.
The dollar is not backed by the US Military unless you justify the U.S. bombing countries into oblivion unless they forced to use the dollar to trade for commodities like oil. Nor is th Dollar backed by US citizens other than their belief the the dollar is money which belief was created by the banks and the willingness of people to work for the dollar in order to pay pack debt in the belief it is money. The dollar is backed by DEBT which is worse then nothing. Crypto currencies are issued in limited amounts to keep them rare like gold and sliver and there is NO INTEREST ATTACHED when crypto currencies are created, unlike the fiat currency. So you have been mislead or do not have a firm understanding of the issues.