Digital Archaelology: Codex (Floppy Disk) #1

in #retrocomputing8 years ago (edited)

As promised in a previous post, I'm going to share the contents of various tomes (in the form of a box of 5.25" floppy disks) I discovered in a thrift store a long time ago, along with some others of my own that have not been accessed for years. I'm starting off with the ones I found, in no particular order...

On the first one, the label didn't really give much clue. Apparently it's bootable and I need to read the READ.ME file. The disk mounted and copied in Linux without any problem and here is the list of files that were there:

Not much of a clue there. The files are all dated from 1987 except the READ.ME which is dated 1989. So time to check out the READ.ME file. Here's the contents of that:

     ! ! ! ! ! W A R N I N G ! ! ! ! !

This disc contains explict material, those who
may be offended should not view this graphic.

O.K. I warned you.

NOTE: To answer the questions; J = Yes(Ja) and
N = No(Nein).

At the prompt type x.bat and press Enter
Have Fun!

- - -

Well, it looks like we have some sort of porn related material here. A bunch of random 1980s era floppy disks picked up at a thrift store a decade or more ago and the first one I check out has porn on it. Not much has changed I guess. Eager to check out 1980s era computer porn, I installed DOS Box to see if I could get this to work. A few minutes later it was up and running.

After running the program an animation is displayed. At the end of the animation, you can select yes to view the same animation again or no to move on to the next one. Each one seems to consist of two frames of animation played over an over again for 30 seconds or so (this depends on the speed of your computer...before i slowed it down it zipped by in a fraction of a second). There were a total of four "scenes". The images below illustrate what was on the disk. Be warned, it's about as explicit as 1980s era low resolution two color porn can be...



hahaha I wish you did a screencapture to gif, they're hilarious

I figured out how to create some animated gifs by capturing video with DOS Box and then converting it. I'll probably add them to the post in the next day or two. This stuff is more funny than erotic...

hahaha being funny is the whole point, but also the piece of history and tech porno geekery