Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse was initially released for the Sega Genesis in 1990 with Sega Master System and Game Gear versions following the next year. This was the first in a line of several Illusion games for Sega systems.

The Sega Master System is often overlooked as it was dominated by the NES during its life. However, games like Castle of Illusion showcase its technical abilities and the type of quality games it was capable of.

The Sega Master System (and Game Gear) version of Castle of Illusion is very much like its Genesis big brother. The levels are essentially the same but the graphics and sound/music have been toned down somewhat. Also, some of the more gimmicky play mechanics were removed from SMS version (e.g. swinging on vines). Even though it can't quite measure up to the Genesis version, it is a quality game in its own right and the graphics and sound are impressive for an 8-bit system. Beyond just the graphics and sound, it helps that the game if fun to play also. This is one of the better platform games that you will find on the Sega Master System.
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