Phantasy Star Online

in #retrogaming8 years ago (edited)


Phantasy Star Online was released for the Sega Dreamcast in January 2001. Unlike previous entries in the series, combat was real-time vs. turn based. This was also one of the first console games designed to be played online. It was both a critical and a commercial success.


What is sad about this and many other online games is that the servers eventually shut down and all official servers for Phantasy Star Online shut down long ago. However, all is not lost, at least in the case of Phantasy Star Online, as others have figured out how to create and run their own servers.

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Sort: is the place to go if you want to play these again. They host private servers and guide you through downloading and installing Blue Burst which has Episodes 1, 2, and 4. (Episode 3 was GameCube exclusive and was basically a PSO themed card game)

Enjoy! :)