best console: ps2 (game library)
- GTA vice city
- GTA san san Andreas
- GTA 3
- def jam fight for new york
- def jam vendetta
- smack down here comes the pain
- smack down vs raw 2006
- nba streetz vol 2
- nfl streetz 2
- madden 2005
- need for speed underground 2
- scarface the world is yours
- bully
- true crime streets of LA
- true crime streets of NY
best console graphics + controller: xbox 360
the asymmetric controller was amazing, it was the perfect size to fit in both hands, the triggers where better than double shoulder buttons, and replacing the white and black buttons from the original xbox with the shoulder buttons was perfect.
only issue they had (outside of no free online gameplay vs the ps3) was production was the red rings of death. it was caused by the solider joints cracking because of the thermal stress (the heating up & cooling down) of the system when being turned on, played, and turned off. had microsoft not rushed the production to beat the release of the ps3, they might have won the console race for years to follow, instead of pushing many to sony, thinking they could not longer trust microsoft.