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RE: A Geeky Guy's Viewing Guide to The Defenders

in #review8 years ago

Thanks for the heads up. I can't see our chat in Rocket Chat for some reason. It just won't show up, though all my other direct chats do. Crazy.
Got you resteemed from SNO. :)
This one was already in my Netflix queue. Looking forward to it.
I stopped watching Jones due to lack of interest. Cage was fun, but I only watched a few and something else took priority. Iron Fist was kinda interesting... just watched a couple. Daredevil was really good. I've seen them all, I think.
I hope the language isn't too much for me. :)
Thanks man.


That explains it. I sent you a dm a while back. I responded to your question in the affirmative.

The language is bad.. but not as bad as Deadpool.

I just sent a test message. Maybe if you search my name and start a new one?

We are now chatting. If it's not you, I'm certain it's a conspiracy!