Harry Potter. The story for grown-ups. Inverse.

in #review8 years ago (edited)

Now that Harry Potter mania was a little off and JK Rowling writes books for great people, I will try to recall the story, but in reverse. Behold.

In Dumbledore family, formed by a marriage between locked and wizards "pure blood" are born three children: Albus, Abeforth and Ariana.


Albus is brilliant and that every person is young, highly intelligent and extremely arrogant. Abeforth intelligence is mediocre, but it is a noble and good-hearted man.

Ariana has an extraordinary sensitivity as such is fragile as vulnerable. From it all begins. Child being surprised by her witch powers, has often magical side that he can not explain nor control the powers that turns into a strange. Ariana is a sure victim for three locked aggressive that constantly terrorize causing an extreme gestures and frightening. Frightening because they are uncontrollable for herself. Despite her magical powers Ariana is abused by three locked.

Trauma is installed permanently in her soul undersized and mutilated body. Parents sacrifice their existence entirely to Ariana. In fact the whole family sacrifice their existence to a support the Ariana. Albus, young, impetuous noble ideas of science and the art of magic, just waiting to devote himself to the study and experimentation but a new philosophy, wakes, her mother died, you have to support the family and to care for Ariana. That mean that all his plans will not have any further that her wings clipped before they really learn to fly. Much frustration is born here, but Albus makes sense of duty to assume responsibilities, although his heart remains buried deeply hope that something, someday, will change. This hope a change of fate gets to materialize. But ALL the events leading to the death of Ariane, and Albus thought that it marks the desire to change their destiny killed his sister.

After the death of Ariana, Albus is free to live as he wants. But at what price ... His brother Abeforth, blames he circumstances die?. It follows his destiny in the world of science and ideas. But death Ariane burden of guilt makes him refuse the big world of magic and choose, instead, teaching career, dedicated to preparing young people to become great wizards at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and sorcery.

Albus Dumbledore

In another time, in another part of the world family of Muggle Evans noticed their youngest daughter, Lily, gestures and inexplicable powers. Parents do not consider it a strange, on the contrary, do everything they can to potentiate the uniqueness of their daughter, although incomprehensible to them. But a big sister Lily envy for the "gift" them. Lily, who loves his sister does not understand this attitude. She does not believe special, but different and would like to share everything with his sister. But slams into a wall. And then fled to Severus friendship with their neighbor, a boy her age, strange, introverted, a family life full of shortcomings, but with a brilliant mind and powers of the sorcerer seized hold well and controlled. Severus Lily falls in love and becomes her only friend. Severus Lily would always love to death, most of his own life. But not to anticipate, for now he wants Lily locked as far sister, who does not understand anything, and closer to him.

Meanwhile, James Potter, son of wizards thoroughbred, grow beautiful and sound mind and body into a family built on love. James eager to study at Hogwarts.

Lily, Severus and James will meet, all at Hogwarts, where they grow together, being part of the same generation of young wizards. Lily continues to be the best friend of Severus, although they are in rival houses and is often exasperated gestures of cruelty and cynicism of Severus. Severus and Lily loves unconditionally is torn between his stubbornness and cruelty to power on the one hand and disinterested love for Lily on the other hand. James becomes the star of school (the most beautiful, the smartest, the funniest, the best Quidditch) surrounding it for the coolest young wizards of the year, defying everyone luck and charisma, but intimidating at the smallest gesture of Lily.

Harry Potter

Hogwarts headmaster is Albus Dumbledore. He is the one who brings in the school, Tom Riddle, a orphan boy, born of a young witch, the last descendant of a family impoverished great wizards family with a family tree that goes up to Salazar Slytherin, who gave the name of the house Slytherin, long after the days of founding Hogwarts. In love with a young man from a family of noble Muggle (Tom Riddle), a fascinate young witch with a curse for love and getting pregnant. Fireworks then tormented by dreams that got love, frees Tom Riddle witch but she keeps the baby, you are born, dying in a nursing home. The name is all that remains small and Tom wizard powers. When Albus Dumbeldore take him to Hogwarts, promising them special study and deepening of his powers, Tom dedicating entirely her life magic and mastery. Especially her domination. In those years writing magical world history and events they will influence and decide the future.

Severus Snape – Harry Potter

After leaving school, she married James and they have a son, Harry Potter. Severus is torn by love of two and there will never forgive continuing but, paradoxically, to love, selfless Lily. Tom Riddle obsessed with the desire to become absolute master of the world, leading ruthless battle to rule over evil in the world. Unhappy resonance petty name or locked imposes its reputation by Lord of Darkness. The thirst for absolute power left around or fanatics, racists (who will exterminate the blood bank, ie mixed with Muggle wizards) and all sorts of fallen souls. But the rise of Lord Slytherin is stopped by something uncontrollable: absolute love and the power of sacrifice, carried to the ultimate sacrifice.

Tom Riddle's dream is thwarted by a child who survives the curse of death. Lord of Darkness powers decline, death turns against them making it disappear. Harry Potter gets the reputation of "boy who survived the deadly curse of the most powerful wizard" shield of good against evil. Harry Potter will save the wizarding world from all evil that will come under the reign of the Most-whose-name-not-speak it. Here prophecy.

11 years old when Harry Potter first year at Hogwarts begins, and the Dark Lord first step to return to the world.

Voldemort – Harry Potter

From here begins the story. A friendship, a human foibles, love, death, sacrifice, humility, courage election, recognition of truth, relativity of good and evil. A life.