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RE: Finding use cases for our crypto

in #review7 years ago

I think it's vitally important that crypto have an actual use. Some crypto enthusiast seem to want no one to ever actually spend their crypto, but if we weren't able to spend our crypto, what value would it have? They might constantly reference the guy that bought a pizza with bitcoin and talk about how much it would be worth today, or when it was at its peak, but it would never have been worth anything if he and others were never able to use their crypto for actual purchases.

That being said, there are a number of companies that let you purchase gift cards. There need to be more though. We also need companies to start offering deals on their cards when people purchase them with crypto.


Indeed. We can't really call it a currency if we can't spend it or find real use cases for it.

I'm not aware of the other companies, but I am familiar with this one's sister (centralised fiat based) company, Zeek. I guess only time will tell...

Thank you for your comment btw! :)