I returned my iMac Pro because it is just expensive Junk!

in #review7 years ago


About a week ago I was able to pick up my iMacPro which I had ordered the day it came out.

$5600 for a desktop thanks to crypto fortune

The price of the iMac Pro is absolutely rediculous. I normally would spend $2500 on a desktop which already is insane given that most gaming PC cost around $1k.

However I have bought several PCs and laptops in the last few months looking for a machine that works for me and all including a $4500 laptop had to be returned.

So I ended up buying a $4k MacBook Pro to be delighted with the device overall until I play a game. Thr GPU has about as much power as an 80 year old grandma.

So I was delighted to finally get a chance to buy a machine from apple that supplosedly has a decent GPU.

Below is the spec and price of my order. Holy wowzi!


I was even more delighted that I could say “I don’t give a F$&#%K” to the price because unlike a year ago it does not make a scratch into my bottom line any more. THANK YOU CRYPTO I LOVE YOU!!!!!

what a beautiful product

When I installed the iMac it was a very joyful experience. The machine is georgeous and all you have to do is plug it in and everything works right and looks pretty. It is pure luxury.

I have never had a computer this zippy and at first I was enchanted by this product.

The bad surprise

So now I was ready to test its power. I installed WOT (world of tanks) a game that runs natively on the Mac.

The game ran slow and had graphical issues. In the picture below the bright white parts are supposed to be water.
. 11C9B33D-788D-4C2F-AE4D-981E2A66FA01.jpeg

So I installed Windows via bootcamp. Again an amazing experience and super easy. However trying to put the GPU to work in a game was impossible. I installed doom and could barely get 2 FPS.

I installed Call of Duty and could not get the game to run even.

I spend 1/2 a day trying to find a solution in case this was a driver issues. I could not find any better drivers and ended up making it even worse with my updates to the effect that I had to re-install bootcamp.

In addition I started to see flickereing and other issues even when just operating the mac.

could not even change the payment option

When i picked up the product I wanted to apply a discount code and pay with cash. But even that was not possible. My only option was to return the entire thing or use the CC from my online order.


I think the problems are likely temporarly only. Most of my issues will be fixed with updadet drivers but:

  • my device had other issues as well. Why was my screen flickering?
  • the GPU is slow. In other bencharks my GPU that I added for $600 is like as fast as a 1070NVIDIA card, which is the cheap GPU we find in those $1k gaming pcs. Thats not cool. I am happy to pay but I want top performance. Paying top $ for medium stuff is not cool.
  • why is apple not using NVIDIA and instead some junk GPU. This is the newest chip from AMD and it performs worse than a 1 year old 1080. Common!
    -WTF I cant change my payment option in the store.

So overall a very bad experience and not something I am used to from apple. So the iMac had to go back. I will re-evaluate in a little while and buy it again if apple fixes the driver issues.

Here are some other links that confirm my experience:



Honestly this is the reason why I don’t buy tooo expensive things anymore , as long as I can get something and it’s not SOO expensive , I’d take it . I mean if something $1000 less can do the same thing , then why not ? These brand named items are just a name

Wow, what a pain in the butt and a disappointment for you. That experience would make me never want to buy it again. On the other hand, so happy for you that crypto has made such a purchase possible! Hope to be there some day, but my purchase will probably be a rifle or pistol that strikes my fancy or a vacation.

You could have sold it to me for $100!!! 😂

Apple computers have their good points (a nice OS for instance) but in general, they are way overpriced. Typically, you can buy or build a PC with equivalent or better technical specs for far less money. In addition, I have found that many Macs have terrible thermals. MacBook Pros may have nice aesthetics but they are impractical or impossible to upgrade and if you do anything that taxes the GPU you'll find the CPU throttling in many cases because of the generated heat. It's absurd.

Despite the fact, apple products are good, but they are always overpriced
and these days they have nothing new than removing ports from the laotop and making use of thunderobolt for everything

It’s not a great deal because it doesn’t enable you to do anything differently....only expensive

As a medium Budget Gamer I totally agree, 5k for an apple imac pro is overpriced. I think you made the right decision. Its mostly designed for graphic designer but If you look closer than you do not get what you deserve.
With the nvida 1080, you should be able to get stable 60 frames on ultra even in 4k in almost all AAA-games. For Crypto Trading even a 5 year old PC will be good enough.
World of Tanks Rocks!

Wow, good to know! Everyone keeps telling me to cross over to Apple and all of mu computer problems will go away. I think I will keep my inexpensive Lenovo problems. :)))

You are absolutely right. But apple is something different. For example, I am a computer engineering student. I use a Samsung phone, and my computer is Toshiba. Enough for me. Both coding and playing. Besides, you have a price of around $ 1600, like you said.

I use the Samsung Galaxy A7 2017 and compare it with my friends who use Apple; We see that some properties are superior.
In short, you did it right. @knircky

Best decision. I am Lenovo fan 😘🥇

Oh yeeeeeaaah!!!! Up lenovo. Am a fan also. It not so expensive and great. So glad to meet a lenovo fan here.

Radeon pro Vega is sadly not a gaming GPU.
Intended use: running of computer-aided design (CAD), computer-generated imagery (CGI), digital content creation (DCC), high-performance computing/GPGPU applications

But remember also your screen is probably 4-5K on that thing? So running games at high fps is almost impossible unless you have dual 1070+ cards!

On the flipside... A Fu**ng 5K machine should run everything you throw at it :)

Yea I understand gaming is not the nr1 goal of these machines, however flickering and non workig drivers and absolutly no performance is just too much at these prices

Yeah.. AMD...

heeey ! what are you doing !!!! Why do you make downvote @slayer10 ???

You know him? If yes I'll undo my flag. Look at max1994 comment. Both are the same. They look like bots to me.

Hi I am @ slayer10. I shared that comment 20 hours ago. @ max1994 15 hours ago !!!!!! Just think about it. which one can be a bot? !!!!! I ? max1994? It's not a very difficult question !!!!!!!

With the quantity of spam I flag I happen to make mistakes. I removed the flag. See? If you ask everything goes well. Next time calm down ;) @slayer10

Firstly , you must be carefull

I could not write le because of band width error. I wrote to you @ sniper08. I am asking again. Explain to me to copy the content from someone who wrote it after 5 hours! @julienbh

Also why 2 accounts with generic names. Even your name sounds like spam to me.

Flag it too :) My name is Talha. I also looked at your profile and it is important to be a priority spam, trying to achieve sexuality and development.

I think you should start with your views, not your body!

Mind your business.

We are waiting for your shares to continue.

For that money for sure you can make a custom build water cooled mega machine... It's not a mac and running windows ..

Oh look, Apple produces junk... :)

I'm using Intel Core i7 7820X CPU this is very fast and best for gaming costs only 500$..
if you want more power then you can buy 'Intel Core i9 7900X'..nothing is powerful then this in the market,, cost only 1K $.. Thanks for telling your views for apple ...

Oh, so bad!! I hope you get another that is perfect soon

Seems to me that if you're buying an almost $6K piece of gear, and you built it to the specs you felt you needed... you can have a reasonable expectation that it would do what you want it to. I don't know enough about gaming machines... but it sounds weird that they would not ship with the most current drivers.

Good Luck with next Lap Top . Cheers I make first million on stock market

Too bad to hear that. It seems that lots of recent products lack the right quality. I just bought a Lenovo Notebook here in Japan and right away from the first moment I got frustrated. I had to reset it already 3 times to make it run somehow acceptable, and I actually thought I should have gotten an Apple product
Kinda miss my old laptop which I used for almost 10 years. Too bad it broke but it did an awesome job

apple just for luxurious, performance below average, but hardware durable and longibity.

Horrible experience. I an a mac user too but only because I use them as better typewriter ;-) If you are looking on the installed components it is just a joke- older then our grandmas ;-)

Soweit ich weis, gibt es 2 verschwende iMac Pros. Der eine ist mit einer Grafikkarte, die eher für Videobarbeiteung ist. So habe ich es gelesen. Kann mich aber auch täuschen. Warscheinlich hast du dir geraden den bestellt, der für die Videobearbeitung Hardware und deren Treiber aus sind. Deshalb haben spiele bei dieser Grafikkarte Probleme....sorry für mein 1% upvote, ich muss mich kurz erholen, danach gehts wieder wie gewohnt los

great post dear

is worse in performance than the 1080 ti (which is cheaper)really cool @knircky i have a 300$ laptop and it runs wot perfectly no lag so not everytime the most expensive is the best and you are a gamer which is really cool, i would love to give an example the nvidia titan x pascal( the most over hyped and expensive graphics card )

hahaha. trust me if I had a $300 laptop I would curse with every keystroke. maybe I need to adjust my standards.

The iMac Pro is a really fine part! But to abuse this noble piece to play is a great pity. There it does a cheap Windows PC anyway. The Pro is designed to give creatives maximum power with maximum security. Absolutely the wrong device for games!

You are completely right. Be that as it may, apple is something else. For instance, I am a PC building understudy. I utilize a Samsung telephone, and my PC is Toshiba. Enough for me. Both coding and playing. Furthermore, you have a cost of around $ 1600, similar to you said.

I utilize the Samsung Galaxy J7 2017 and contrast it and my sibling who utilize Apple; We see that a few properties are unrivaled.

So, you did it right. @knircky