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RE: (SPOILER! Review) Let's talk about season 2 of Stranger Things

in #review7 years ago

Really dude? Personally I liked episode 8 with Kali - It certainly did detach from the cast other shenanigans and such - but Kali bringing back "Dr. Jenner" for 11 to see and feel the emotions she did was quite integral for showing her how to truly use her powers to the fullest and dig deep inside to propel them from her inner anger and rage - which it looked like she probably needed while closing the upside down portal at the Hawkins Lab -

Plus - it was worth it just for Kali to help remake El's punk image with the makeup, hair, and new diggs - she looked total 80's punk movie badass in my opinion.

Just my opinion - Can ya tell I'm a tad passionate about the show lol