Tokien: A Movie Worth Watching for Lord of the Rings Fan

in #review6 years ago



Ngîl cennin eriel vi
Menel aduial,
Glingant sui mîr
Síliel mae.

I saw a star rise high in the
Evening sky,
It hung like a jewel,
Softly shining.

If not mistaken, this was quoted by Tolkien when he was drunk after finding out his true love was engaged to another man....

For those who were engrossed with the JRR Tolkien series started from the movie "The Lord of the Rings" would have noticed the unique yet beautiful language created by the author himself.

I remembered after watching the movie The Lord of the Rings before the second part of the movie came out, I went straight to purchase the Lord of the Rings book, including Tolkien's first book, "The Hobbit".

I never finished his other series but was totally intrigued by his literature and story telling, and I was really excited when a biography Tolkien was schedule to be seen.


I don't want to spoil it too much even though it was already released since May 2019, but I want to encourage everyone else who hasn't watch to go peak it through.

What I can say was:

  • You will know Tolkien went through a lot before be started writing the stories.
  • You will realise that he created the languages first before he even started writing the story (if you have never watch any of the documentary before)
  • You will realise who first inspire him to make his created language (with all the vocabulary and grammars) breath life with meaning; and who confirms the fact.
  • You will know who inspired The Fellowship (of the ring for his story)
  • And you will know, who encouraged him all the way and find meaning to his stories.
  • You will also know, who he got his storytelling genetic talents from!

I really hope that I didn't put in too much spoiler, and though it was released since May, I only got to watch it today, quietly, relaxed, from the comfort of my home.


A must watch biography, and hopefully this truly inspires people to think and create one more, change the world with art, music and poetry!


(Spoiler - watch the movie to find out what this word means)

Until Then

Thank You for Your Time


※ The following part is needed to put filled in and added to your text, as otherwise it will not be included later on phase II on Triple A.
※ 리뷰 하단에 다음 두가지 항목 포함 필수 (미포함 시 차후 자체사이트에 반영 안됨)


I'd like to see this!

Thank you for writing about it and bringing it to our attention.

It's very interesting biography.
Imagine because of that Tolkien's entire family actually can speak all the languages in the Lord of the Ring series.

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