When I first watched Friends, I thought there cannot be a better or even comparable sitcom ever, but much to my surprise I was wrong. Yes, then I watched The Big Bang Theory and I laughed pretty hard. After completed watching few seasons, I realised that there were many similarities in both sitcoms. These similarities are in characters, their meetings and of course, their relationships. I think its safe to say that Friends is a great inspiration to The Big Bang theory and much of the content in The Big Bang Theory is adopted from Friends. If you ask how, then read the post and find out.

Rachel ~ Penny

Ross ~ Leonard

Chandler ~ Howard

Monica ~ Bernadette

This analogy might be vague as Bernadette joined the show as full time cast much later. But their dominant nature and loud voice is similar. Also, both have worked at a restaurant temporarily and eventually had a stable and good paying job.
You can't compare Sheldon!

Rock, paper, scissors game
In both shows, they invented their own version of this game. In Friends, Joey adds fire to the mix, but is soon squandered by Phoebes water bomb, leaving Phoebe as the eventual victor. In The Big Bang Theory, Raj and Sheldon play rock-paper-scissors with a twist in The Lizard-Spock Expansion. Sheldon proposed the addition of lizard and Spock, much to the confusion of Raj and the fans alike.
Cat song
Phoebe created the Smelly Cat song which stayed on our tongue after the title song. In, The Big Bang Theory, the Soft Kitty song, sung whenever Sheldon is ill, is not surprisingly similar to Smelly Cat.
Jealous Ex

Just some more, please
There are many other amazing hilarious similarities like drunk Vegas wedding(Ross-Rachel ~ Zack-Penny), an obese unseen character(ugly naked guy ~ Mrs. Wolowitz) and a lot more but I am not gonna piss you off with them(sorry).
Despite all these similarities, we all love both these shows.
Experience of watching The Big Bang Theory was like reliving the Friends. Now, since the Friends has ended a long time ago, I hope The Big Bang Theory never ends and keeps us happy forever.

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