The Belgarion series by David Eddings is a classic fantasy saga that follows the adventures of a young farm boy named Garion and his companions as they seek to recover a stolen magical orb and fulfill an ancient prophecy. The series consists of five books: Pawn of Prophecy, Queen of Sorcery, Magician's Gambit, Castle of Wizardry and Enchanters' End Game. The series is set in a world where different races and regions are influenced by different gods, and where magic is based on the will of the user.
Some people like the series for its engaging plot, its memorable characters, its witty dialogue and its epic scope. The series is often praised for its humor, its worldbuilding and its exploration of themes such as destiny, identity, loyalty and love. The series is also considered to be a good introduction to the fantasy genre, as it follows many of the tropes and conventions of the genre, such as the hero's journey, the quest, the chosen one, the mentor, the evil overlord and the magical artifact.
Some people do not like the series for its simplicity, its predictability, its clichés and its stereotypes. The series is often criticized for its lack of originality, its lack of complexity, its lack of diversity and its lack of realism. The series is also considered to be outdated, as it reflects some of the values and attitudes of the time it was written, such as sexism, racism and colonialism.
David Eddings was an American author who was born in 1931 and died in 2009. He wrote several fantasy series, including The Belgariad, The Malloreon, The Elenium, The Tamuli and The Dreamers. He also wrote two non-fantasy novels under the pseudonym Leigh Eddings. He was influenced by authors such as J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Edgar Rice Burroughs and Robert E. Howard. He was known for his humorous style, his detailed maps and his collaboration with his wife Leigh Eddings.