Warning : Inadvertent spoilers !
Alien : Covenant, the sequel to Prometheus and a Prequel to the original Alien movies premiered today (May 12th) in the UK. Being the secret sci-fi fan that I am, I of course wanted to see the first showing. VUE had a preview showing on the 11th, and I managed to snag some tickets before they sold out.
So, I'm sure many of you have seen the original Alien movies and probably walked away scarred for life (but for the better) and with Prometheus leaving so many questions un-answered, it seems the new Alien : Covenant movie might be what's needed to revive the Alien franchise.
In Prometheus, we learned that there are some humanoid aliens called Engineers who planted the seeds of life on earth which led to the emergence of man. Two scientists, Shaw and Holloway through excavation all over the planet Earth, find evidence from multiple unrelated civilisations in human history of the Engineers visiting the earth and leaving clues to finding their supposed home planet, an invitation if you will. They embark on an expedition to this inhabitable moon to seek answers from their creators on the origin of man.
It turns out to be a disaster. The moon planet was revealed to be a test bed for biological weapons of mass destruction and the engineer which remained, was uninterested in communication with the visitors.
Meanwhile, the original movie quickly set focus on David; the human like android created by Peter Weyland - CEO of Weyland corp. David, played by Fassbender is an advanced android capable of learning and experiencing human like traits. Fuelled by his own curiosity of life, David manipulates his way into accomplishing his own agenda, in doing so contributing greatly to the disaster and demise of the entire Prometheus crew.
At the end of the movie, we see the one remaining human survivor, Shaw, and incapacitated David plan their visit to the real home planet of the engineers to seek answers.
Alien : Covenant Plot
Covenant is set in 2104, 10 years after the disaster of Prometheus. The Covenant ship is bound for Origae-6 with 2000 colonists, 15 crew members and around 1000 embryos. Interestingly, it is also manned by another android (Walter) which looks exactly like David except speaks a different accent of English some-what resembling Christian Bale and also has some upgrades from the earlier David.
On their way to Origae-6, the Covenant get's hit by a shock-wave, severely damaging the ship, killing the captain and many of the colonists. Whilst repairing the ship, a transmission was received from a planet nearby and with some further inspection, the planet seemed to be an equally viable planet to colonise as Origae-6.
An expedition team descends to the planet to investigate the source of the transmission and they discover an engineer ship piloted by Shaw from Prometheus.
The planet seemed lifeless and yet, has vibrant vegetation and arable land. Two of the expedition team get infected with some alien spore whilst exploring and become hosts to alien embryo's quickly growing inside their bodies. Their conditions quickly deteriorate and the rest of the team seem to be clueless as to why. Neomorphs then burst out from the two infected team members killing them, and wreak havoc on the rest of the expedition team.
David comes to their rescue and brings them to the Engineer temple where he stays.
It turns out that David committed mass genocide and unleashed the black goo on the entire population of Engineers on the planet and continued his experiments on the life that remained. Shaw was one of his regrettable but necessary sacrifices in pursuit of further scientific 'discovery'.
Walter, who finds out the horror of David's experiments confronts him only to be quickly dispatched leaving the rest of the crew fresh targets for the sinister Android.
In an attempt to capture Daniels and use her for experiments akin to his experiments on Shaw, David was once again confronted by a resurgent Walter which comes to the rescue of Daniels and the two androids proceed to fight. Daniels and the remainder of the crew attempt to evacuate the planet meeting some very horrific xenomorph resistance but are eventually able to get off the surface back to the covenant with the seemingly victorious Walter joining them onboard the Covenant.
They quickly discover a gestated protomorph onboard the covenant which had been implanted in one of the members of the crew. Together with Walter, they are able to discard the protomorph into space.
With the disaster resolved, the crew decide to follow their original plan of colonising Origae-6 and go back into hyper-sleep. Daniels, the last person to go into hyper-sleep asks Walter if he will help her build the log cabin that she and her husband dreamed of building at the new planet. Walter would have recalled an earlier conversation with Daniels about this subject but fails to comprehend the question... She realises, albeit too late that she is talking to David. As Daniels enters hypersleep, we see David regurgitate two alien embryos into the colonists chamber, presumably to continue his sinister experiments.
My Thoughts
I liked the theme of the original movie, and despite it's shortcomings, I had hoped that Alien Covenant would answer some of the dying questions left hanging in Prometheus.
The Engineers are a really interesting story arc that has been glossed over in both Prometheus and again in Alien Covenant.
I would have liked to see more story on the society of the Engineers, their motivations, their internal conflicts and grand plans. Instead, Alien Covenant begins with the entire population of Engineers wiped out by David.
David is obviously the focal point of the movie at this point and yet we have very little understanding of his motivations. Is he playing god? Is power his ultimate goal? Is he truly self aware and shows no remorse to engineers or humans because of his disappointment and thus lack of respect for his creators right to thrive?
These are all questions I walk away still pondering.
Since I'm a huge fan of Alien since its inception and have greatly enjoyed the prequel, I can't wait to see this sequel to the prequel!
Thanks a bunch for sharing this review with us all. This will be a major treat to watch. Namaste :)
Wow. Eric, you are a man with a broad sense of taste. I like that!
Such kindness and verve, always appreciated when it comes with such positive vibes. On that level, it takes one to know one. Namaste :)
nice post @sweetsssj
'I'm not reading this because of spoilers'
Proceeds to read submission.
Haha~ it's not a huge deal breaker for this film anyway but I must let readers know!
Excellent post lady @sweetsssj I really liked the topic covered, very interesting, excellent critics, thank you very much for sharing your point of view about the movie.
Thanks jlufer, I happen to be really fascinated by the central theme of these films, I just hope they do the story justice in later films.
Who went with you to the movie?
One of my old classmates from Uni, another sucker for sci-fi films!
Prometheus was a great movie. Can't wait to see the sequel.
go go go! If you liked prometheus then you'll definitely like this!
Thanks for the nice review; I look forward to seeing this one soon. It's courageous of you to put yourself on the same timeline as one of those beasts.
reviews are really great! nice to see you around donkeypong!!!
I can be a monster sometimes too !
This is all primer for the great deception.
um.. kind of understand, kind of don't, explain..?
OK, sure. The rulers of our world prepare us for events, and technologies in advance, using media as one of the primers. They use it to make us comfortable with certain concepts. The concepts being pushed now are that of the Satanic agenda.. the 3 great merges to offend the creator.
Merge 1 - Male and Female - The aggressive gay/trans movement is that.. an agenda. End game goal is androgenous workers
Merge 2 - Man and Machine (Transhumanism) - Elon musk is pushing this. Hook into the matrix directly, and become an actual slave to the AI and doom humanity
Merge 3 - Man and God (Self worship).
These goals, are being implemented by leaders and will manifest as an alien false flag later this year, on order to bring us under one world government under the synagogue of Satan. I wish what I wrote was a joke, or that I'm crazy, however neither is true.
Aliens are fake. What we think of as aliens (Greys) are in fact demons. For more info, search LAM and Alister crowley. Aliens didnt' show up until the 40s, around when a giant ritual was completed to open a gateway to Lam. His drawings of Lam are remarkably like greys.
Think about how aliens are portrayed to us.. Independence day, etc. That's how they will be presented to us... aggressively.
3 They will use this to form 1 world government and 1 world religion. You can find proof of this everywhere, we are in the last stages.
The world you see is a lie. The devil tricks you into thinking you are irrelevant, a spec of dust that happened by accident, rolling through space. That's to make you think nothing matters, and you are nothing and you just continue and don't worry about your actions.
Nothing could be further from the truth. The entire purpose is to disconnect you from god long enough, that you are consumed by this world. It goes far deeper. Read the Protocols of Zion to discover who/what the plan is for this world, and how close to they are to succeeding, while the masses sleep and worship false idols (celebs, sports, etc).
Nice review @sweetsssj, and the coolest part was how you are included in the "Alien - Timeline" of events, well done! ;)
Aha you noticed my little whiteboard doodles, had a lot of fun making them !:D
I'm sure it was a blast making the doodles haha :)
Is allien really ? Or just a myth ?
Not really sure, I would like to think we're not alone in the universe. So many planetary systems, there must be !
Its right, im sure with your opinion
Did you come to UK for holiday? Are you in London?Hey @sweetsssj
@rea ! i am indeed in the UK in London!
Nice... Give me a shout if you are free to catch up! I am happy to show you around and enjoy some delicious food here together, lol :)
AAAA can;'t wait to see it!!!!!!
might write something about it if it inspires me...glad to see more movie-reviews around here [ i did one on guardians if you wanna check it out! ]
Great review!
I thought everything about Gaurdians of Galaxy Vol. 2 was everything that made Vol. 1 a great movie and then some. Really really enjoyed that too!
very true. Me too. It's rare that a squeal is better but in this case...yeeeees
People leaving at end credits are so annoying...
Especially when the whole screen was filled up!
Oh, and I forgot to mention, that this is the best movie review I saw on Steem :-) (and that timeline! )
Nice to see you do movie reviews :) Talented from top to bottom, you are the best @sweetsssj!
thanks moon32walker!
I saw Prometheus on a flight to India...it weirded me out and fascinated so much I had to watch it all over again on the flight back (perfect when you are still jet lagged out of your mind lol).
Cool timeline! I'd way prefer it if you were the sequel than the prequel though :)
I love the pretext of Prometheus, but I feel they could have done better with answering some of the questions they raise and also execution. Still, great flick for entertainment value!
Yes. It's nice to have enigmas to work over in the mind but at some point it helps when they don't leave loose ends unresolved. Now I really have to go see Covenant!
This is a fantastic review. Absolutely superb
thanks ianstrat! Now go see the movie!!!
My wife and I are going tonight
Your work is beautiful! Your blog is very interesting and varied! I will glad if you look my blog!
Thanks I will check it out : )
I can't wait to see this film. Good post anyway!
Thanks, enjoy!
Holy GOD!!! i have to see it 😧 😧 😧
Aha the excitement is brewing !
I enjoyed this! Followed you, as well
Thanks magick: )
Loved your review and your style