Tuna Mayo Triangle Kimbab Compare

in #review08106 years ago

Tuna Mayo Triangle Kimbab Compare

1.Bigger Tuna Mayonnaise
-Shop: GS25
-Price: 1400 won
-Calories: 360 calories
-Weight: 152g
Tuna content: 16.32%
-Rice: Nonghyup New Rice / Laver: Domestic laver

  1. Bigger Bibimb Tuna
    -Selling place: Seven Eleven
    -Price: 1300 won
    -Calories: 260 calories
    -Weight: 155g
    Tuna content: 6.82%
    -Rice: Nonghyup Rice / Seaweed: South coast laver
  1. Bibimb tuna
    -Selling place: Seven Eleven
    -Price: 1000 won
    -Calories: 190 Calories
    Weight: 110g
    Tuna content: 4.89%
    -Rice: Nonghyup Rice / Seaweed: South coast laver
  1. New Tuna Mayo Gold
    -Shop: GS25
    -Price: 1000 won
    -Calories: 199 Calories
    -Weight: 115g
    Tuna content: 12.59%
    -Rice: Nonghyup New Rice / Laver: Domestic laver
  1. Mayo Tuna Kimbab
    -Seller: CU Convenience Store
    -Price: 900 won
    -Calories: 189 Calories
    Weight: 105g
    -Tuna content
    Notation: 76.5% / Feel: 7.65% (Maybe the dots are wrong)
    -Rice: Shindongjinmi New Rice / Kim: Wando Kim
  1. Bigger Tuna Mayonnaise
    -The best tuna Mayo Triangle Kimbab. The tuna taste is strong and the mayonnaise is not strong and it is light. The prices were different, but the amount and flavor of the product was worth the extra money.
  1. Bigger Bibimb Tuna
    -South coast laver is delicious but has a bit of sweet soy sauce. There is not much tuna and personally, only seaweed was delicious. Seven Eleven's style does not seem to fit me well. The rice tastes a bit dark and the inside contents are so bad that I can't feel the taste.
  1. Bibimb tuna (small)
    -The seasoning taste is not stronger than the bigger bibimb tuna. Sesame oil flavor is slowed down soy sauce flavor. It's sweet and soy sauce flavored with sesame oil. I didn't find anything attractive.
  1. New Tuna Mayo Gold
    -The visuals of the contents are not very good but it was delicious. But Kim was just a saw and a good product to eat as a whole. Personally, gs25's triangular gimbap was the best for my taste because the rice taste and moisture are moderate. It was good to eat without feeling too crunchy.
  1. CU Tuna Mayo Triangle Kimbab
    -The seaweed and rice looked fresh and tasted good. However, the basic tuna mayo triangular gimbap, not bibimb, the color of the rice is a little brownish and it is seasoned. The calorie is the lowest among all triangle kimbabs.