
yep. i just did it with my other cards the other day, in fact i put on a £10, took the free premium account for a month, then bought litecoin over night and sold in the morning when it made me £2 -- then i moved that £12 back into my engagecard within a few hours, i put in the beneficiary details for sort code and account number for my account and it back and done with no problem. it's great.

you add in sources of funds, so i have my paypal and engagecard on it at the moment but it could be your bank etc.

Ok I meant actual cash...the reason I eventually went with my beloved multi currency Monese is I can walk into a post office or paypoint, had over the card and real pound notes and pay in. When I researched, it was about the only online bank thingy I could do that with !
Im back in UK next week and will also be signing up with Revolut, do you get a referral fee?if so , post and Ill use it for you :-)

yeah can't do that with this - can't seem to find a referral code now i'm a premium user. i'll try and find out from them and edit this comment if i get it.

Your referral code is under "More" and then "Invite" :)

i don't have an 'invite' now that i'm premium that's gone. that's why i asked them on twitter if it's worth me still having my code now i'm in, like what would be the usefulness of it kinda thing. . ;)

Oh, look at me know-it-all, LOL
That would be totally counter intuitive (but sadly not surprising) if they took away your chance to earn a referral bonus now that you actually invested money in them...

just a design flaw and no doubt rushed coding exercise to increase signups either way useful card for right now ;)

they are a uk company btw, i got the card within 5 days, they say 3 but you know snow life.