Where is our revolution?

in #revolution8 years ago

I am living in Vienna which is basically in the center of Europe and we have a very very comfortable life here. Everything in the city is clean and you can go everywhere you want without being scared of robbery or anything. I heard that in cities like Detroit that is different. There are ghettos and some people that life there don't have so much opportunities to live a good life. We have a great living standard here probably one of the best in the whole world. This is the same in Germany. But there are also people here who work the whole week in a hard job and in the end they still don't have enough to feed the family. Also the success of Germany is made on the back of all other European states. A lot of high educated people from Romania, Serbia and Bulgaria are coming to Austria or Germany to work there because the pay is so low there that they don't want to work there. I can understand that but there is a huge debate going on about these "economic migrants". In my opinion no government should be allowed to refuse people to travel around on this planet! Imaginary boundaries made by the people in power.

So where is this leading to?

I personally think that even the people in the rich countries will become more and more upset about the situation to the point that the government has to use the police to hold down the people. I mean the situation is already totally disastrous but here we can't feel it yet. What I mean is that the people from Africa want to come here and go on dangerous travels because they can't live in their country anymore and that also has to do with economic colonization made by Western companies and allowed by western countries. So we really have a Hugh need for a disruption in the economy world and I think that blockchains will lead us the way. I hope that there will be charities on the blockchain that do exactly what they say they do and where people can see their money spend on a new street or school instead of going into the pockets of corrupt people. I hope that we can incentivize behavior that cleans up our ocean which is full of plastic. I hope we can defound the banks. I hope our society will be more around good communities rather than money and business. I know that this is a dream but that's what I want to work for and that's why I'm into blockchains. Let's begin now. I wish you guys a nice week. Stay positive and productive ;)


I was in vienna when I was sixteen in 2004! very cool city! It fully fulfilled my dream of a european city! every european capital i went to after that was a big disappointment in alot of ways except for vienna! That walkway is so cool, there wasnt anything like inin the US back then so peopel would come top europe and come home to america and want our homes to have big uban walkways like that!
europe is stilla leader in architecture and city planning etc

nice to hear that. A Lot of friends are studying city planning :)