My Challenge to Thinkers Everywhere

in #revolution8 years ago

In todays political/economic climate, where the many are ruled by the few, we are left asking ourselves, 'where did we go wrong,' and, 'how can we fix this?'

I do not believe that any individual can produce a whole answer to this question. However, collectively, critical and analytical minds can, at the very least, shed light on where we are, where we are headed, and what changes to our course we should make.

My challenge is this: Write a treatise.

I want every person who reads this post to pick a societal system. (Justice, education, healthcare, military/industrial, capitalism, etc)
I want you to describe the current mechanisms of the system you have chosen; tell us how it works. I want you to describe which mechanisms have negative effects on the public; tell us whats wrong with it. Finally, I want to hear your suggestions on how to improve the effectiveness of the system based on its intended purpose.

I am collecting essays from all over and assembling the new constitution of the united states. The document I produce will be written by hundreds of hands and it will capture the values of unity, justice, fairness, tolerance, individual sovreignty, and collective responsibility.

Please tag your essays with #cpmchallenge
I cant wait to start The Great American Reformation with you. We can do this.


I do not have it all laid out in a single gestalt...
But I am more in favor of thousands of utopias,independent self sufficient communities... I support sites like this for like minded people to come together to form working communities,and break the strangle hold of big government and multi-national monopolies. I do not believe in this system of profits at the cost of human life or at the wanton destruction of the planet for profits!
I will be glad to discuss this in any open forum!