You should actually keep aside funds before initiating contests like these. Otherwise it's a little unethical of you and you may be labelled as some speculator ...or a manupulator, I dunno. 😆Hey @steve-speaks! You haven't got sufficient SBDs in your wallet to fund even a single randowhale vote. Are you solvent? 😝
Haha I know, I thought I had sufficient SBD but forgot that I powered it up .. did not forget the contests though, will acquire more SBD and pay it to the contest winners . Thanks for your remark, I am aware of it and that is totally the opposite of what I want to achieve . Kind regards , thank you for understanding :)
WOW, that proves you are very much solvent @steve-speaks😜 😝 😛 🤑 !!! Jokes apart, thanks a lot @steve-speaks for your initiative! No one was complaining here anyway 😉
Hey @bikergirl! many many congratulations for WINNING! ✌️✌️💐💐💐
free whale upvote!Great! Thanks @bikergirl for the support. Leave the link to your post and you can win the
Lol I think you're gonna win this since you're the only one responding XD Maybe after my own whalevote on this you'll get some competition ;)
Haha... Let this poor girl win then :D
You should actually keep aside funds before initiating contests like these. Otherwise it's a little unethical of you and you may be labelled as some speculator ...or a manupulator, I dunno. 😆Hey @steve-speaks! You haven't got sufficient SBDs in your wallet to fund even a single randowhale vote. Are you solvent? 😝
Haha I know, I thought I had sufficient SBD but forgot that I powered it up .. did not forget the contests though, will acquire more SBD and pay it to the contest winners . Thanks for your remark, I am aware of it and that is totally the opposite of what I want to achieve . Kind regards , thank you for understanding :)
It took me a little while, but I've kept my promise, nothing sketchy about it.
I've upvoted this post, check it out:
🎹 🥁 🎷 🎺 🎸 🎻 I’m trying to use a lot of emojis here to Celebrate the World Emoji Day this week. Are you? 🎊 🎉 🎉 🎉⛄️
Haha no problem man I can take a joke ;) you're welcome!
🎹 🥁 🎷 🎺 🎸 🎻 I’m trying to use a lot of emojis here to Celebrate the World Emoji Day this week. Are you? 🎊 🎉 🎉 🎉⛄️