I really think your ideas regarding using the "savings" wallet function to be a really refreshing and innovative proposal. If there was a way for investors to stake and earn higher rewards without daily participation post/comment/upvote standards, it might make staking much more appealing though and may help reduce the amount of placeholder posts that are simply created to achieve a higher ROI.
I've also said that I don't know how difficult that would be to code or implement as that is not in my wheel house. Yet, from a purely theoretical perspective I think it is certainly a sensible proposition and one that I hope generates more interest and attention from the community.
Curious, if you've had any conversations with other devs or witnesses about how feasible such a proposal might be from a technical standpoint?
I also believe the less investors need to be involved in reward distribution the better.
Unfortunately, I have not, although I assume it would be pretty easy, but you know what they say about those who assume things.
Actually I'm suddenly reminded of a conversation I had with the PALnet guys. I told them they should really turn the ability to upvote content with a HiveEngine token into a custom JSON operation instead of mirroring upvotes on Graphene. Turns out, that's a terrible idea because piggybacking off of Graphene was the entire point that makes the process so simple.