i am begging you to start with your own comment section right here adn flag everyone that is an obvious spammer. please do it.
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i am begging you to start with your own comment section right here adn flag everyone that is an obvious spammer. please do it.
Maybe that is the first step to solve the problem. We can all give flags in Steemit, with that we have the responsibility to at least clean our own publications. There will be a little more community consensus to see which publications must be flagged.
Indeed! I have been flagging spam in my comments section for many months now and it is great, few spammers bother to join my posts after receiving their first flag.
I flag spammy comments on nearly all of my posts. At least a few of them.
So should we go flag comments by vote Bots? Are bots akin to spammers? I still don't know quite what to make about the economics of using Bots to upvote posts... where would I go for a clear breakdown of that issue?
Replying to both of you... What would be really good for SteemIt would be a full out flag war.
Freedom doesn't stop at reaction. You are free to say what you like and others are free to react. It is part of the process.
Plus we would run out a lot of snowflakes.
It might be good for the long term health of the platform.
Or.... it might result in only one or two whales emerging dominant over a sea of minnows, or result in a stalemate between two factions: a split in the chain could be a weakness.
I'm not sure anybody knows what's "best" per se. But unless the current situation is intolerable, I think avoiding all out warfare is best.
After all, war damages economies!
Running out the snowflakes and sjws would be nice, tho.
thank you. i will take on the task more once i get a vote slider bar so i don't waste all my possible upvotes.