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RE: A simple solution to the issue of rewardpool rape by the vote buyers/sellers.

The pilgrims didnt have robots to do the work for them, now did they?

We couldve all been leisure class citizens by now but the crapitalusts dont give anything for free and starving unemployed workers sack the castles.


You can use robots to create wealth and you can use robots to destroy wealth.

We have a lot of leisure class sheeple that cash in on welfare while others pay them not to work.

Nobody ive known cashed in on welfare, subsisted, maybe, but nobody got rich.
Think you can make it on $189 of food per month?

Crapitalism sucks, always has always will, unless you are on top.

$189 would definitely cover my food budget. A lot of people get free food and free cellphones plus some housing assistance plus free healthcare so it works out pretty well for them.

Yeah, some do.
If you werent soo inculcated with crapitalust propaganda you would know that it is profits, ie unpayed wages, that create this situation in the first place.
Ive got a post ready that illustrates this from 1915, but this tablet doesnt render the pics well enough.

I cant really stress enough the need to seek information from outside the matrix designed to make it impossible for you to even conceive of freedom.

Unless you are willing to look outside your box you will never change economics any more than folks change religions, and for the same reasons.
Your impressionable mind was molded, its unusual for folks to break their molds before circumstances force it.

Before you try to wax poetic about poverty,you should try some.
Maybe talk to a few like Woody Guthrie, Will Rogers, Ricardo Magon, or Bhagat Singh.
Well, they can still talk to you through their writings.
They are available for free, if you invest the time to expand your horizons a little.

Have you ever seen socialist reality with your own eyes? I support profits.
Have you ever studied history and what capitalism did for countries like the USA?

Why do you figure crapitalism has violently supressed every anarchy that has sprung up?

Why dont you hear anything about what is actually happening in rojava?

You are going to have to do more than parrot the facts instilled in you by rote learning if you hope to prevail at this debate.

Have you ever studied history...

Every citation i have given you has been historical, so i think the better question is when will you free your mind from your #fakeducation and stop insisting that it was the best the world had to offer when it left out any history it found inconvienient?

#10 is clearly a lie as is most if not every single one of the others. I would consider a militia as a form of government. Typiccally you do have a leader/leaders
Rojava appears to be a "lie" as well. I'm sure it has leaders.
Have you looked at USA history? The USA education system does NOT teach history. It also does not teach about the perils of socialism. I do support limited government but humans and many animal species do band together for a reason. There is a reason societies work and from what I have seen societies almost always have a leader and or leaders even those "anarchist" ones you posted. Maybe we could have a volunteer government but it would still be a government.

I'm curious how you think an anarchist society would function in the USA when it is hard to get people to work for money let alone work for free.