Challenging Battles with High-MANA Guardians

in #rewards11 months ago

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CHIMNEY WALLSTOP: When I first encountered this common card, I initially thought it could significantly alter my strategy. However, I encountered difficulties deploying it in battles due to its high MANA cost. Consequently, seasoned players could easily defeat me, as I often deployed it alone against 3 or 4 monsters, resulting in inevitable losses. This left me disheartened and hesitant to use it again. Nevertheless, I came to understand that every monster has its moment to shine in battle. I gathered sufficient information to make this incredible common card a staple in my deck when I started a GUILD against skilled players. Today, I realize it's not enough to simply possess a GUARDIAN card and expect it to triumph in every battle. Furthermore, I strive to increase its level to 3 and beyond every day. This propels it to the top and enhances its effectiveness in battle. If you're embarking on your journey here, remember to stay calm, as each day presents a new opportunity to expand your deck and, consequently, your Strategy Points (SPS).