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RE: [September 28, 2018] Coatesville at Rustin Football Game - The Stands Experience

in #rgkmb6 years ago

Hi @cicisaja,

Thank you for the feedback! I agree that it would be nice to post a short video, but there are concerns about copyright, since the band has to license their music. The school Alma Mater is in the public domain, so I posted a video of that a while back. You can see it at the end of this post.

Also, @cmp2020 worked with one of the band's drummers to create their own arrangement of another piece for the stands this week, so I hope to be able to get video of the first performance of that new arrangement, which I think will be at tonight's game.


that would be nice @rgkmb-unofficial, not a full video I think.. just a short one I guess, a part of the percussion or the opening, a minute or so, anyway.. what about that girl who drink something near to the instrument? did she know that rules? and I understand about copy right, you shouldn't do that if it is gonna get you in trouble.. LOL
I can see how cool is it through your story too.. Thanks so much for the link..