What word in the English language is never spelt correctly?
As a clue you can see the answer in the image above.
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Discussion and answers for spoiler related things to the Homophobic Pun Riddle:
You don't have to look far for the answer to this,
Just answer the clues and make sure there is nothing you miss,
You heat this up and it cooks for you,
Follows the night but doesn't state why,
The french eat me but for you they took away the nail,
Look at a graph now look northwest, say what you see but not with a rant.
pandasquad :)
Any word other than 'correctly' is never spelled 'c o r r e c t l y'. 'apple' for instance is spelled 'a p p l e' not 'c o r r e c t l y'.
is the word in the English language of "never" spelt correctly
All other words except CORRECTLY
So this one requires any answer that isn't the word correctly because that's the only word spelt c-o-r-r-e-c-t-l-y.
So @melip you got there first. Although maybe you were trying to say spelt isn't a word? In the English spoke in England it is, maybe not in the US.
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