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RE: Women's rights 👭

in #rights7 years ago (edited)

Abraham Lincoln stated the concept quite well in his letter to Henry Pierce and others, April 6, 1859:

This is a world of compensations; and he who would be no slave, must consent to have no slave. Those who deny freedom to others, deserve it not for themselves; and, under a just God, can not long retain it.

Women’s right are most important to freedom for all, our economy and family life among all else surrounding our lives. That includes national security, immigration and world peace among countries, all of which amounts to freedom in it’s truest meaning.
Take the many cases of boys and girls who gravitate to strange and unrelated men or lesser known related men as father replacements due to fathers not taking equal part in the family duties and family experiences. It happens and while it can be safe (not always), be him a stranger or first time met relative, it is a sign those children are looking for their fathers in those men and are looking to be responsible for more then what typical moms teach. Some even want those hardly known men to cook something and shop with them.
There needs to be 2 parents. And some will say, ‘Oh, there are 2 women… in some relationships…’ fine, still 2 parents and both or one offering what mothers typically did not provide, like getting those boys and girls to fix things and explore like our typical daddies did or should have done to equalize the family experience in and out of the home and to be an equal part of hands on care no matter their kind of relationship.
Take also the Rosie the Riveters who did safe and effective work during WW two. They did all sorts of jobs and they did them well with what training they needed. Too bad many were not kept in those jobs or similar jobs to replace the men who did not work again due to death or injury, that war was to gain and keep equal rights but that cause was squandered. And later women still find supervisors being men, along with similar deficiencies in our money and equality and all else that makes up our community.
It is said those women, who did everything from local forestry to flying aircraft to into war zones, did help greatly in winning that war. the same could have been said in our economy and in helping those men and women who can not work live better in our communities had we kept in-place what those women fought for.
Women hardly make enough money to take a turn paying for both meals or pay our own way and some only get what a man will offer to his partner or minimum wages.