The world lost a bright soul today. Her name was Maya. She shined her love on everyone she met. When I was new to Seattle she welcomed me with open arms. Her spirit was pure and true. Her love was unending. She could always be found on the dance floor shaking her adorable booty. Her energy would brighten an entire room. Maya was a joy to be around. I will miss her greatly.
I am still processing this loss and I feel a heavy weight on my heart. Death is never easy and her's is a great loss. My community is mourning. This year we have lost too many. I know she would want us to come together and celebrate her life. She lived to the fullest. Maya always encouraged others to live the life of their dreams. I feel called to live with more passion, to love deeper and to be in service to others to the best of my abilities. I am dedicating my new lust for life to her. Thank you, Maya, or all that you have taught me and continue to show me. Til we meet again sweet sister when we will dance together in the stars! The sun has gained another beam of light. <3 <3 <3 Rest in Peace Maya<3 <3 <3
I will not be posting an image of her to respect her privacy.
Sorry to hear that your friend left this dimension. I hope she will reincarnate her again soon.
@valentin.rozman thank you for your kind words