I don't like Stellar or Ripple, I am going with BTC, ETH, Dash and Bytecoin.
I don't know anything about DigiByte, and Clif High says the four I mentioned above have some long term potential (as well as some others)... look him up on Youtube, and halfpasthuman.com... He is pretty far out there with some stuff, but he has been very acurate with the cyrptos, #gold and #silver.
I like Bix Weir's idea as well of when your holdings double, take it a buy silver!
Thanks for your reply. Where do you see Bytecoin in a year?
Well, based on what Clif High says, BTC and ETH will increase approximately 600% by Feb/Mar 2018... and that Bytecoin should do about the same.
It will certainly be an interesting 12 -18 months if that does happen.