Just read on a very reliable blog that the technology firm Ripple has pledged to lock up $14 billion of XRP Cryptocurrency. This move is designed to combat fears that Ripple might flood it's booming market.
The firm has promised to lock-up 88% of those funds ($14bn worth), in a series of smart contracts that briefly make 1bn XRP available each month for a period of at least four-and-a-half years. So that means the short supply and more demand (specially by banks) in the next few years will drive it's price quite high.
The following graph will show Ripple's stellar growth in the recent months:
So before it goes up too high, please get on the speed wagon called Ripple and enjoy the benefits in couple of years to come.
Ripple will collapse with the global banking system. I recommend against ripple, it's a suckers bet.
I don't think there's any logic in your argument @lost.identity. Even if all the banks start using it for the people who keep their money in their ledgers, it's a win win situation for investors like me who are investing in Ripple because of its limited supply. Banks would want more Ripple to help their customers and where would that come from, yes you got it right, from us if we want to sell it to them. And why would I sell it to them, because of the high price they'd be willing to pay for it.
Good article. Good to see I'm not the only one who thinks like this. Many people say the prices of cryptos are high but we also thought that about Amazon, Apple and Facebok last year. Does anyone know about: https://www.coincheckup.com I'm using this site that gives in depth reports on every tradable cryto in the market. For example: https://www.coincheckup.com/coins/Ripple#analysis For the Ripple Investment and research analysis.